Ofc do it
there was a shitty rule,we all know
but i think this was put for some other use...
sofaki logged @Gp,and after 1 hour ventic made her ps mod,Just for 1 day
it doesn't worth a ban,for 2 posts did there
Enemy won't have 570
except if he puts too many attributes ,and doesn't balance them
you will have attribute in weapon almost equal with enemy's defence
Making over 100 replies with quotes is spam
making replies with quotes in a language YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND is spam x2
btw,i was bored.I could get up to 25k characters ++ with u spamming
not to mention uber spam in private server section
(that's all replies with quotes)
Up to 3rd page of his LAST POSTS
Also,if you check these posts better(follow the links or in lasts posts) MANY MANY times he quoted a GREEK COMMENT!(he is not GR)
Please,examine this seriously
just retarded spam
you will find everywhere(especially in IL,but in gracia too)
but listen to me
even in fail servers,light>heavy
but only noobs play in fail servers ,that's why more heavy than light
don't forget,heavy can be good in some situations...px pvp with a gladiator...
Ναι τα Ubuntu μοιαζουν στα Linux εχεις δικιο
Οπως μοιαζουν τα Windows 7 στα Windows
anyway,νομιζεις πως εκανες κατι τωρα;
Ubuntu ειναι πολυ ωραια,αλλα θα ξενερωσεις πολυ γρηγορα