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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. i miss this key even in gr words among with I lol
  2. mai inglis isn't pro who rly cares,still understandable ;D
  3. Ofc do it there was a shitty rule,we all know but i think this was put for some other use... sofaki logged @Gp,and after 1 hour ventic made her ps mod,Just for 1 day it doesn't worth a ban,for 2 posts did there
  4. Enemy won't have 570 except if he puts too many attributes ,and doesn't balance them you will have attribute in weapon almost equal with enemy's defence
  5. Don't really now but go start league of legends,many of us are playing there
  6. Go play League Of Legends or DotA ;D
  7. yes i do,and moderators of this forum do you,are free to report me
  8. You are in a 50% GR forum lol go at a RO forum and post everywhere lol
  9. Find my spam posts,lol and guys with only 5 or 10 spam posts like these were dekarmed/banned in past
  10. It's not about support i would do the same for a GR guy too,if did something like that btw,this is only 20% of spam posts
  11. Making over 100 replies with quotes is spam making replies with quotes in a language YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND is spam x2 btw,i was bored.I could get up to 25k characters ++ with u spamming not to mention uber spam in private server section
  12. (that's all replies with quotes) Up to 3rd page of his LAST POSTS Also,if you check these posts better(follow the links or in lasts posts) MANY MANY times he quoted a GREEK COMMENT!(he is not GR) Please,examine this seriously just retarded spam
  13. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187774.msg1540623;topicseen#new Useless,lock to avoid spam
  14. Παντα τα ubuntu ηταν καλυτερα Απλα τα windows πιο βολικα σιγουρα,αν θες να κανεις κατι αλλο εκτος απο gaming θα βαλεις linux
  15. 0,5metres
  16. παιζουν games και 97% των προγραμματων που υπαρχουν τι αλλο θες
  17. you will find everywhere(especially in IL,but in gracia too) but listen to me even in fail servers,light>heavy but only noobs play in fail servers ,that's why more heavy than light don't forget,heavy can be good in some situations...px pvp with a gladiator...
  18. Ηeavy Archers too and not only in fail servers
  19. Ναι τα Ubuntu μοιαζουν στα Linux εχεις δικιο Οπως μοιαζουν τα Windows 7 στα Windows anyway,νομιζεις πως εκανες κατι τωρα; Ubuntu ειναι πολυ ωραια,αλλα θα ξενερωσεις πολυ γρηγορα
  20. jeez translate word lapido lipido w/e it is
  21. i always do this mistake sure translation isn't big deal,but w/e it isn't needed now
  22. Το συγκεκριμενο L2Mafia αλλα πιανει σε πολλους
  23. Ofc anyway,he is a true pwner especially his fire vortex is....
  24. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=190110.msg1552125;topicseen#msg1552125 my reply there
  25. Cobra(aka Mossano) is the biggest leecher lol http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=118523.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=118645.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=118953.0 hf
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