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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. You can live something u can understand these are only bass songs for me..kinda good though
  2. εμπειρια
  3. anyway Think that shit about cod3x as report,and do as u think They are the same subject topics but one was junked and came back,and the other is still junked
  4. Cod3x's one came back from j/k anyway,noone called police for MG,how did they go?;)
  5. hip hop or w/e it is called(don't know. . .) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZMKFiLu5EY&feature=player_embedded
  6. Didn't noticed that :) i also didn't got what force of destruction skill does,though i played in a Freya server @HQ add,that in barrier,when u atk again,barrier is gone
  7. I am kidding,i kinda like this kind of songs too. Especially romanian 'rap'
  8. Didn't answer my PM Cod3x's one is not junked why this
  9. you must visit the approciate section,lol
  10. Stop licking Raule's ass ;)
  11. vs dagger ogre is better,imo and rabbit kinda sucks,yeah,ogre and hawk are better dyes,an str+4/5 is enough i think About buffs,didn't notice that there is no song of hunter,i think it's obvious
  12. Βαριεμαι να παιζω lol :(
  13. lol shitty song
  14. Παιζαμε καποτε...
  15. haha^^ respect
  16. Exactly.Playing bishop in server w/o mana pot,isn't an easy business about tanks,some practise,but they are not that difficult
  17. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=150693.msg1087952#msg1087952 vs http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=190828.0#quickreply μεγαλες διαφορες
  18. δεν παιζω l2sentinel fail server αυτος που τον ειχε,ειχε τον l2hobby(δες το 2ο dekarma που εφαγα για λινκ)
  19. οχι δεν μπαινει,δηλαδη δεν σου φτανει ενα no ? καλυτερα,να μπει ολη η clan να zergaroyme στον l2mafia! παντως αν ανοιξει σας θελω ολους μεσα.Ψυχολογικα ftw
  20. no το ξερα ειναι ενα κατεβασμενο pack χωρις προστασια ενας βλακας Hobby εχει τον σερβερ
  21. Have ur ever seen him not hidden?
  22. k for my sister your cat is better and more useful than her
  23. no (this is something other)
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