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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Και εγω παντα με τοσο κατεβαζα κατι παιζει στις γραμμες παντως,κατι κανανε γιατι δεν εχω dc
  2. καντα να χαρεις
  3. Welcome to MaxCheaters,don't forget to read the rules
  4. Fanky θα κανεις ρεπορτ ή να κανω;
  5. Cod3x what's your font @ msn?
  6. Σαν ανθρωποι δεν μπορειτε να ποσταρετε;
  7. 1)You told him: You noob,i will pwn you in mxc!yaar Classic kiddo's answe 2)You put a MSN conv in Public.Posting other's msn this way Both mature :)
  8. Μαγειριτσα μενγκς
  9. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=33414 Ονομα δες !χαχα
  10. Ι know,should i care? Σου ευχομαι να την δεις αβαφη
  11. Του goddess
  12. Κουράδα «ΟΧΙ ΡΕ ΠΟ*ΣΤΗ!» : Χέζεις τόσο πολύ που σκουπίζεσαι μανιωδώς και τελικά μένεις χωρίς χαρτί, φωνάζοντας «ΟΧΙ ΡΕ ΠΟ*ΣΤΗ!».
  13. @wrd go report section
  14. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=59209.0 Εpic
  15. Καλα ρε τραγικε ρεπορτ στις 8 η ωρα το πρωι;
  16. Well,it's a kind of starwars Since L2 is the way it is,every class is supposed to have some skills 2 Classes in 1 bring unbalance...cause there are always OP combinations But many people like playing in a server made this way.And seems well made. Good luck :)
  17. Are you a moderator?I think not.So. . .report him and let moderators dekarma him...lol You think so.You will get the same answe,besides you wouldn't get spam posts,like mine now :) 'He abused his powers to me,kill him ! '
  18. Happy birthday dude
  19. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=200100.0;viewResults
  20. BlackRain V4 2011 by , Maxtor
  21. You abused your karma too,should you be dekarmed too? ::) anyway,DAMN STICKY TOPIC!
  22. σιγα το δραμα μωρε
  23. Εχω κατι παλια αλλα ειναι χωρις ενισχυτη
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