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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Τhis I am using it too,since i can upload images in seconds,without logins etc(like imageshack) But you should add account management..
  2. παλι γαμησα με τριστανα,κλασικα
  3. raule why did u move it to req dev help.. it's request general help -0
  4. Ποιος εχει 'access' δηλαδη;
  5. Let me explain you what i mean You have 4 same IL MID RATE servers You have 6-7 clans going around They all join at first server. Till one rules over the 1st month,and others move into a SAME server this happens to other 3 servers so,you play only for 1 month and you know 1 month is too little time for a MMORPG.Especially L2 Same shit happens at pvp,rpg servers as well You have a bunch of choices.And it's not that good People,instead of trying and getting better,just emoquit for something new This is not how a right MMORPG works
  6. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=47496;sa=showPosts @http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=62.0 over 11 replies in a row
  7. You could just do what me and MD said before some pages(vote by reply-statement) There would be some drama,but that's more accurate,imo
  8. Actually that's why old times are considered as good Cause there were only 5-10(MAX) servers,using retail packs.Everyone was playing there Now,everyone finds any kind of server,or makes one. And everyone quits for something better,easily.This option destroyed L2,imo
  9. Δεν μπορω να καταλαβω το προβλημα σας. Κατεβαστε υποτιτλους ξεχωριστα,σιγα το δυσκολο
  10. Sorry mate,but the only thing i can see here is bad colored apela/IC armors I am sure you can do better things,like other times Not that this is so bad,but a dev surely have better options that these ;)
  11. Να σου θυμησω οτι donations= δωρεα και καλα δηλωνεις(sta terms of use) οτι αυτοι κανουν δωρεες για να συντηρηθει ο server και οτι εσυ τους ανταμοιβεις παντως δεν νομιζω να υπαρξει προβλημα,υπαρχουν δεκαδες σερβερ που ειναι παρανομοι απο καθε αποψη(ncsoft,εφορια,κτλπ) και δεν εγινε ποτε τιποτα
  12. you pro it was added but there was a shit and he removed it,dunno,PM him
  13. It will be a totally new game.Old players are NOT gonna play this
  14. Just a matter of fact. There are very few good L2 servers right now|Failing after some weeks In official,there was a merge,from 8 servers to 2 More and more people want playing lower-chronicle servers
  15. That's why we are having the same shit discussions in this board/private servers,every day
  16. 'Real' L2 is getting worse and worse And i think,everyone can understand it Everyday,it's getting more and more destroyed. People talking about new chronicles,that made this 'another game' People talking about custom shits etc etc... anyway,there is a poll above.Vote and comment,i really want to see some STATED comments
  17. server us on/off all day,and people online is a standard of 800 :) something is going on here :P
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