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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Πιστευεις ειλικρινα οτι θα στα δωσει; χαχα
  2. που το ξερεις,μιλα
  3. Plus not using tags?::) Someone lock it please,enough dose of stupidity here
  4. Να τον βαλω signature και να γραψω και ενα ωραιο comment απο κατω; ::)
  5. It's a damn google search,to prove how dumbass you are
  6. ...you don't get a shit αστο
  7. You said you registered at HF at April,and i found a guide there @ august stupid
  8. το ζητημα ειναι να μην εξαρτιεσαι απο τα reports
  9. How the hell can it belong to you,since 'you ' made it at August while it was already posted SAME with SAME typos at February? Pathetic
  10. 1 αλλαγη εκανε,what else? btw,@WRD Δες ΠΜ μου + dekarma
  11. οχι οτι τους βλεπεις πουθενα αλλου,λεμε τωρα χωρις ρεπορτς, 0
  12. Yπαρχουν και αλλα boards εκτος spam section
  13. που εισαι ρε wrd γαμω
  14. You claimed to be yours. No problem if you had put credits,or not even putting credits but this really gets me angry People are not that stupid as you think In 1 week,you have scammed,lied many times. Hell,noone is gonna believe w/e you say
  15. hey L2 is not a game for them It's a JOB
  16. and since when is this related to exploits?lulz You make modifications in client Aka it's at Client mod http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69451.0
  17. ο Dani νομιζει οτι ειναι σε νηπιαγωγειο και λεει τετοια ψεματα
  18. so,at April 2010? Nice one http://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php?p=4800294&sid=4d05d24f13c699099e37217d0b22041c
  19. so,when did u make this guide?
  20. Sure,i found ones shared 1,5 year ago Hell,don't think we are stupid
  21. imageshark
  22. http://www.bukisa.com/articles/297051_how-to-detect-a-backdoor-virus-in-a-executable-file Plus 30+ other results Should i dekarma you?
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