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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Guess not much,really
  2. Τι professional μωρε xd Μια χαρα ειναι,αν και ξοδευεις πολλα λευτα τζαμπα παρε και ενα 800αρι τροφοδοτικο και μια ΑΤΙ gpu
  3. Δεν καταλαβαινω την λογικη
  4. scared the shit outta me!
  5. ωραιος
  6. maybe you should refer this too How to control your MP,when beeing in a party with SWS plus what about skills/dance enchantments
  7. μπορω να το κανω να κανει spam amre ολη μερα
  8. haha Αν και αναρωτιεμαι ποιος και γιατι
  9. you already replyed spammer..and this is one of the most USELESS guides ever in here
  10. and an image,where a 10 year old boy runs after a nigga with a bike FCKIN AWESOME
  11. Ok,JB just signed
  12. prolly he is just 10yo
  13. Indeed
  14. mai sain rox and i have seen worse things than these,but in gr ;d
  15. τι να πω
  16. But don't be bad raule,he can host more than 150-200 players,depending PC specs
  17. Δεν κανεις τιποτα για αυτο ομως
  18. αλλο λεω,κανε
  19. no way Heal can help you in many cases you want to finish enemies inside towers + some easy kills in start Flash is needed for 1st + noone can escape now
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