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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Zaken VS Elegia ring...hmmm...i would prefer elegia,anyway about wm,talking about freya..i don't know how much does this affect the MC rate.An empower will raise ur Matk in heaven ;P and,oh damn my ISP went down again
  2. Empower :) then,everything else About zaken ,maybe ;P
  3. Really works,thank you Useful when servers are at 'busy' mode
  4. I got a friend freezing his PC by playing Warcraft III DotA 3v3 ;P damn old RAM
  5. Σημερα ειναι το 9ο οσο για το 8ο δεν υπαρχει στο megatv,παρα μονο youtube
  6. Never said you are not helping ,or that sharing things is bad,even not yours just mentioned this fact :P
  7. Αυτο ειναι Cheat Engine,και ειναι μονο client side
  8. Τι τα κανουμε τα ρημαδο guides,αναρωτιεμαι Καλύτερα να μάθεις να ψαρέυεις , παρά να παρακαλάς κάθε μέρα για ψάρια
  9. This too,i would never explain this in EN ;P
  10. He can find nice guides/shares in web,indeed It should go @ Offtopic too anyway,thanks
  11. Ye it would..normally a friend has the same problem cause he has DDR1 ram i have the same problem at FIFA sometimes(game crashes,but i shut it down with ctrl+alt+delete(not task manager)
  12. Check your power supply and clean it
  13. ενταξει ,ολοκληρο τερας γαμαει ;)
  14. δωσε ενα καλο τραγουδι με πολυ πολυ μπασο
  15. already shared :/
  16. saks τι guide να κανω
  17. Έχουμε περισσότερους server admins/gm παρα players
  18. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=165759.0 July 31,link still works and if you wanted unban or w/e,you could just re-upload them.You didn't want to do so Don't know what happened,but conclusions get me there
  19. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=133744.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=143272.0 Check topic dates,when links 'expired'(deleted) and his reactions
  20. If i remember well,links @ megaupload don't expire plus http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SLA9JRTR http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8I35KHJM expired?;d
  21. so,if i would remove all my shares or w/e,wouldn't you ban me?
  22. Γαμανε τα ηχεια που πηρα :) Λιγο μεγαλουτσικα αλλα..
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