i have phx 3.5.146(have tried with other version but still the same)
When i press login i get critical(and the strange thing is that it is happening 80%-sometimes i log in)
My error is this
General protection fault!
History: NConsoleWnd::RequestAuthLogin <- NCAuthWnd::OnLoginBtnClick <- NControl::SendEventMessage <- NCButton::OnClickButton <- NCButton::OnLButtonUp <- NCVirtualWndMain::PassToFocusedWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::PassToFocusedWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::PassToFocusedWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::DispatchWndMsg <- NConsoleWnd::DispatchWndMsgX <- NConsoleWnd::MasterConsoleEventProcess <- UEngine::InputEvent <- UWindowsViewport::CauseInputEvent <- UWindowsViewport::UpdateInput <- UViewport::ReadInput <- APlayerController::Tick <- ALineagePlayerController::Tick <- TickAllActors <- ULevel::Tick <- (NetMode=0) <- TickLevel <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
I made what Raule says here How to bypass the anti-phx protection + Guides...but still get critical error(I am not able to do that in 3.1.8 and 3.5.xxx
i have CLEAN system no gg
Server is L2Mafia client interlude L2J
[move]HELP ME![/move]