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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. estw kai tote,giati to postares? k epd to eida prwti fora nomiza oti itan smrino..tcp asto o allos leei 'kalo' diladi an t valeis phx na kanei enchant ti 8a kanei,8a peta3ei?
  2. ka8e fora me ekpliseis me afta p les einai to poly poly la8os t gm Tgreborn.com eixe tateo 600k ken abigail exei tis doom 1.5kk enw poyliountai 2.5kk vale Trick L2Dominion fast adena alla oute ekei doulevei ara,??
  3. Duel might=+20% to ur overal dmg in pvps Celestial(regarding duration time)=nice to not get dmg Or Agility lvl10 Pdef=obvious Mdef=Obvious (all passive) now,if in server chances work,it would be nice a fear/paralyze (in 1 srv in dagger i had fear chance,they hit me and start run(from fear)and i was backstamping them :D
  4. L2Phx ?
  5. he was yesterday at 0.02 ,that means he was at friday night
  6. he was yesterday at 0.02
  7. 4926
  8. http://l2-en.czechgamers.net/page.php?id=1 why don't u join this? IL x8 1600+ inside
  9. 4919
  10. 4917
  11. i am crying right now
  12. i donot know java or programming or smthing like that i opened this file and has only Public class- NO main class should i upload this file to find what's wrong or smthing like that? i need help
  13. i have this file... What that means?what i have to do?..
  14. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/l2j/gsregister ing/GameServerRegister Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.sf.l2j.gsregistering.GameServer Register at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) Could not find the main class: net.sf.l2j.gsregistering.GameServerRegister. Pro gram will exit. Πιέστε ένα πλήκτρο για συνέχεια. . . it still appears this.. and i have this file net.sf.l2j.gsregistering.GameServerRegister
  15. i did this and doesn't work.... anyway,do u have another pack(simple even pre..)i want to open servers just to make fun with some friends ...
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=27895;sa=showPosts He bumps in other people's topics!
  17. i have all tables in navicat,my problem now is: Wrong Hexid at Gameserver Closed Socket in LoginServer and i have registered normally gameserver and renamed hexid (lol first i saved post then u replied :D )
  18. i have all tables in navicat,my problem now is: Wrong Hexid at Gameserver Closed Socket in LoginServer
  19. Server x100 w/o dynarmor(only dynaweapon) and much pvp Char has 3 rebirths,has stuck skill Light armor mastery(aka +speed-att spd) Weapon mastery(aka patt) anti magic(aka mdef) and some bishop's heals drago set+16 and boss set too price:pm me to add in msn or reply here i trade for items in other server(if trustful+good offer) If you get this char i will tell you some bug to not pk and get pvp medals instead etc
  20. Panathinaikos when he hasn't 1-2 month crysis(like this year)
  21. start Arion cz in Dex(2 years+ server)everyone has very good gear so^^
  22. only today?
  23. lol how many leeching forums...
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