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Everything posted by WeirdSituation

  1. γαμώ τη σαν πάουλι ρε ντροπή του ποδοσφαίρου
  2. i played hearthstone too, its a nice game. i played many days but im not the guy who loves card games to keep playing i would try it though if there is a lineage based card game
  3. In another startlingly anti-consumer decision Twitch.tv has implemented staggering delays in all of its streams as it pushed out what it called a, "Major Video System Update." The update, which Twitch says improves the video system's stability and scalability, adds a delay that can stretch up to 60 seconds. That's a minute between what's broadcast and said by the streamer is received and shown to a viewer -- severely impacting stream interaction. Let's start at the beginning. Twitch states that they are experiencing explosive growth which has been compounded by the service's release on Xbox 360 and Xbox One, as well as its impending release on PlayStation 4. In order to provide the "best quality video to as many users on as many platforms as possible" this new system has been implemented. Twitch says that the new system allows them to serve 15% more traffic than the old system with the same hardware. This new system has been at work on mobile platforms and consoles since May earlier this year. They then stepped up and used the system for all viewers for the DreamHack Winter 2013 event to what they call "great success." Earlier this week the system went live full-time for all viewers. Now for the effects. For large, commentary-based streams like eSports and large sponsored show there will be no immediate effect. Since there's no direct interaction between the broadcaster and the Twitch chat there's no need to worry about delay. However, for streams where gamers are directly interacting with their audience, the new system nigh on ruins communication. Imagine having a conversation where 10-60 seconds fell between each message, on top of dozens if not hundreds of other messages were also intermingled between. Consider streamer to viewer conversation absolutely destroyed. That's not the only effect, however. Despite Twitch's insistence that the changes have had a positive effect on video quality, many gamers (myself included) believe the opposite is true. Not only does quality fluctuate often and for what seems to be no reason at all, but many viewers claim there are glitches that can make viewing streams a frustrating and low-quality experience. The simple fact is that Twitch has implemented a system that allows them to buffer streams, catch brief quality fluctuations and alter the overall stream quality (ie lower the quality) to account for said fluctuations, and save bandwidth in the process. As such, Twitch itself is likely saving huge amounts of money on bandwidth at the expense of overall viewer experience. This is, of course, just an educated assumption based on the details provided by Twitch. However, it accounts for Twitch's inability to simply turn off the delay. Perhaps Twitch couldn't sustain itself with the previous service, but as of right now it seems like Twitch has just exploited its audience's investment in the service for profit. Where else are streamers and viewers supposed to go? My two cents? This is absolutely nonsense. I'm a frequent viewer on both console and and PC and can vouch for how much worse of an experience console streams have been comparatively. Guess what? Streams on PC are just as bad now. That's not even taking into consideration the stream buffer delay, which is by far the greater insult to viewers. Twitch folded when it tried to get rid of 480p in one of its last brilliant viewer-exploiting decisions. I don't think they're going to fold this time. Like said above, the new system hinges on the buffer delay and considering how much money likely went into its development I doubt it's something they could, or would, disable. Again, it's nonsense, and if there was another viable service for streamers to go to I'd say saddle up. http://www.neoseeker.com/news/24328-twitchtv-update-imposes-delay-of-up-to-60s-in-all-streams-viewer-interaction-severely-affected/
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZt5lH0M5sU check also this card on 3:15, assassination...red car on flames....
  5. σοβαρά πράγματα λέω ρε, όχι μαλακίες με anime
  6. εγώ θέλω να δω μια σειρά αλλά το αναβάλλω συνέχεια, λολ
  7. ιντρακόμ είναι κόκκαλης;
  8. ρε ντροπή του συστήματος, τι necromayhem?
  9. A look back at this weekend's European Promotion Tournament. The final six teams fighting for one of the three remaining spots in the League Championship Series gathered in the new Riot Studios in Cologne, Germany last week to decide who will be a pro for the next 6 months and who will be an amateur. We saw unsurprising results, crazy turnarounds and upsets as Dr. Mundo, Shyvana and Ziggs wreaked havoc on Summoner’s Rift. Here’s a rundown of all the major action. Meet Your Makers vs Copenhagen Wolves The first series of the European Promotion tournament put the weakest team from the Summer Split against the undisputed kings of the Challenger scene and there were a few who weren’t betting on the latter. Imagine their surprise when the first game started and the Wolves looked like lost puppies, doing rookie mistakes and misplays all over the map. Maybe the nerves had finally caught up to them and they couldn’t handle the pressure, maybe there was an actual upset in the making. MYM quickly took the advantage and after getting 3 aces, it seemed that the game is decided. That was the moment Wolves finally found the strength in themselves to fight back and almost turned it around acing the Polish team themselves. In the end, however, it wasn’t meant to be and MYM’s more fed carries secured them one final fight with which they closed the game. 1-0 for the defending team. The first game served like a wake up call for Copenhagen Wolves. Whatever they said to each other after it, it worked and they came back in Game 2 with clear heads and looking like the team that has been dominating almost every Challenger tournament since June 2013. What followed were three decisive wins for them, where each of their players shined on their favourite picks - Forgiven on Caitlyn, YoungBuck on Renekton, etc. By the beginning of Game 4, MYM’s spirit was clearly crushed and their heads weren’t in the game anymore. Ultimately, Wolves destroyed their dreams of getting back into the LCS and sent them packing for the Challenger League, if they decide to stay together. On the other hand, the puppies evolved into full-fledged Wolves, whose howls will be heard once again throughout the European LCS. SK Gaming vs Supa Hot Crew The new SK Gaming lineup went up against the surprise of the Promotion tournament, Supah Hot Crew, hoping that they can keep their LCS spot and prove everyone who said the team is finished without Ocelote wrong. A lot of weight lied on Jesiz’ shoulders who had to show he can finally perform offline as good as online. Unfortunately for SK, it didn’t look so in the first two games. Game 1 started with a lead for the defending team but a bad fight near the dragon pit turned things around in SHC’ favor. Candy Panda then went onto his split pushing strategy that proved victorious at DreamHack Winter and he successfully took an inhibitor and nexus turret. However, SK couldn’t capitalize on that and inevitably lost the game. Game 2 wasn’t even close as SHC countered every move their opponents tried to throw at them. Jesiz once again had no significant presence on the Rift and when SK surrendered, people were convinced the 3-0 win for the challenger team was inevitable. Only the SK players know what they said to each other after that second game - whether it was a motivational speech from the team captain Nyph or just coming up with a better strategy for the picks and bans, it worked. With Orianna secured for Jesiz and Dr. Mundo being a meat-shield in the hands of Fredy122, SK finally had the means to win the game and they did so convincingly. They repeated that in Game 4 which meant it all came down to the last game. SK had the momentum and smiles were all over their faces, while SHC had to forget the last two maps and focus on this one, but it didn’t seem they managed to do that. SK swept them for the third time turning the series around and securing their spot in the LCS. However, there is clearly loads of work ahead of them before the start of the season if they want to beat the trend that every team which qualifies with a 3-2 ends up 8th when the split ends. Ninjas in Pyjamas vs Kiedyś Miałem Team Ninjas in Pyjamas had the luxury to choose who they play against and they picked up the Polish squad of KMT - a decision they probably regret dearly at the moment. It is hard to judge the games between those two teams. On one hand, KMT played very patiently and meticulously, not rushing for kills, but going for the objectives instead; on the other hand, NiP didn’t seem like themselves and it looked like for some reason they didn’t even try to win at all. The shining star for KMT was Overpow who performed greatly on Kayle in the first two games, even grabbing a double kill 1v2 without dying himself. That granted a Kayle ban by NiP in Game 3 but that wasn’t enough for them to turn things around and they had to say goodbye to their dreams of going back in the LCS - at least under the NiP name. For KMT, however, the tough road is just starting as they will have to perform better than their Polish predecessor in the league, MYM, if they want to prove that they have a place among the very best teams in Europe. Their first job though will be to decide between the dozens of offers from different organizations which are certainly coming their way ever since that 3-0 score showed on the LCS stream. by Irena 'Curlychan' Pencheva http://www.ongamers.com/articles/european-promotion-tournament-recap/1100-413/
  10. maybe but if every non-success asian team goes to NA, NA will be only asian team based on lcs. lol
  11. Xelnath Hey guys, I should lock down this thread pretty soon. We had a meeting last week where we discussed: "Who should we ship first? Xerath or Skarner?" After some discussion, we decided that due to the timing, we want to ship Skarner first to give some extra jungle love. After Skarner ships, I would expect to see Xerath come back to PBE. That said, I hope you guys understand now just how *long* a champion rework can take. I started this thread when I was still trying to understand how Xerath players felt about the champion and it's now been 8 months, with a 3-4 month break while preseason crunch was on. The results are: * We have all new VFX & Sound. * Every skin has its own unique VFX. * We have 3 new or heavily modified skills. What we still need: * Final design team agreement on the health of Xerath's ultimate * Competitive level testing (D1 players, etc) * Final balance * BUG FIXING OMG * New VO Hookups ( ... did I spoil your surprise, JayWatford? http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=43836685#post43836685
  12. heard some good words from the drunk noble and thinks he is the grandmaster holy fk i dont wanna live on this planet anymore
  13. better love story than twilight volume 2 such feelings much love
  14. σταμάτα να ποστάρεις
  15. ναι ρε, και εγώ αυτό νόμιζα, λέω και εγώ γτφ
  16. με ξενέρωσες, λελ :okey:
  17. τσογλάνι=ζώο ;;;;;; αλήθεια; λολ
  18. νικουτούλε πας και κλειδώνεις τα τόπικ της κοινότητας, σα δε ντρέπεσαι...θα σου κλείσω το σπίτι ρε τσογλαναρά!
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