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Everything posted by Paul_Greatest

  1. Server closed?
  2. Looks really dedicated , but why you don't bought 1st level domain on .net or .com?
  3. Poland server ....intresting)
  4. With l2phx script?
  5. server on! But only x75
  6. It's RUSSIAN server , what means NO BOTS forever)
  7. So the game take place in Turkey(Istambul).... We must wait 15 november 2011 ....it's realese of the game)
  8. OMG!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait this game!!!
  9. May be , but it was post on Russian cheat forum)) In april of 2011... Intresting)
  10. Server Info Game Rates: XP/SP: 75x Adena: 100x Drop: 50x Raid Boss Drop: 20x Max SubClass: 3 Spoil: 50x Party XP/SP: 1.5x Weight Limit: 50x Drop Quest: 25x Quests Reward: 25x Enchant rates Normal Enchant = 58% Blessed Enchant = 65% Crystal Enchant = 58% Safe Enchant = +3 Max Enchant = +16 Features Registration From Website Only. (e-mail confirmation required) .repair Voice Command (repair your character/account) Flame of Splendor Barakiel respawn is 6hours. Buffer Buffs Duration:2 hours Olympiad Heroes every week. Fully Working Geodata and Pathnodes. Auto TvT once every 3hours. Automated low level PK protection. Auto learn skills. Buffer Delevel NPC. (Only if your lower than 80.) GM Shop until B Skill Enchanter Augumenter Wedding System. PvP/PK Farm Protection System. Nobless Trader 65+. Skill Enchanter. .away / .back System. .xpon, expon / .xpoff, expoff System. Advanced Server Protection. Community Board. PvP Name Color System. Balanced Classes. Class Manager. Maximum number of buffs = 32 + 4 Divine Inspiration. Maximum number of debuffs = 6. Hero change once every 2 weeks on Monday at 12:00 PM EST. First Hero change date: August 1, 2011 12\:00\:00 PM EST. Offline trading System. Maximum number of Lineage Clients from 1 PC: 3 Client windows. Site http://www.l2ips.com/
  11. I love bikes too!!) Yamaha R1 - Moscow!!
  12. sorry... Easy you have post video street racing in Tripoli ... I thought that it means Libya
  13. yeah girls hot good car lada 2101...
  14. yes... And It's the main reason why they bought those cars... Young guys in Russia prefer to buy Very expensive car to be cool and get nice chicks... The main thing. Anyway nissan gt r don't coast too much...
  15. wow ... You from Libya?
  16. iPhone sucks Nokia N9 the best))
  17. In Russia??? It's take place in Russia....You from Russia right?? Like your flag....?
  18. Let's post street racings video , what take place in your COUNTRY!! Bugatti Veyron vs Nissan GT-R (Including deleted scenes) I'm Begin.....It's in my city .....Moscow!!
  19. Or you do something wrong or it's bot protection in game under IG walker... OOG walker working perfectly confirmed by me)))
  20. What the hell are you talking about?
  21. You really would like to said that you give it someone?
  22. Ok there is working L2walker for this server ... To use it , 1st you must run "WSS"(from folder war craft) ,2nd run WPF(from folder wpfnew) , and run L2walker , don't forgot to use the proxy on GS ip- ; port - 1777. You can enter to the world with bot!!) Good luck in botting.
  23. What the version of l2walker you use?
  24. In my post (in the head of topic) , already posted a guide.... It's proof
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