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Everything posted by ezzo

  1. the max enchant +30+35 just a little sux, change it to 20/16 will be much better and BTW 1h before opening and forum doesnt work?wtf
  2. Server with full of bots and some classes are very nerfed . For me nothing sepcial but its just my opinion.
  3. ok now we have about 20 ppl online... ..... another fail
  4. destro w/o bow? and u talking about balance? frenzy shouldnt work with bow but equippped should be allowed than what about destro on oly?..... think about it
  5. 1.Global chat allowed after 500 pvp............. ===============WTF? 2. Destro cannot equippied bow?..........
  6. about 30 ppl ,still low we need more ppl cmon ppl join:)
  7. any news from Admin and server still OFFLINE.......... no comment
  8. They got some problem with the machine ,before opening everythink was ok and 10 min after GO, they have some problems, it smell like ddos attack or another fail server .Sow hat i can say :NOTHING SPECIAL GUYS,
  9. so server is not opened yet?......... than u should advertise here "[Previews] L2 Private Servers ,,
  10. server down 20 times a day or more, every 1h some crashes, lags, low community, boring farm and nothing to do rly.... server is more offline than online i will not a not recommended u this server waste of time
  11. ezzo

    interlude [L2J]L2Rose

    its new server?
  12. server like this shout be have at start minimum 1k ppl online to have grat fun if not this server will die faster than u think i played on many many stuck subs servers mid-high rates l2pheonix dn and much more:)
  13. "this account has been permanently banned " i have this when i try log to game wtf?
  14. agree archer with heavy dagger too
  15. to many places to fight at start,they should open 1 city not 7 with community like this one =27 ppl on atm
  16. all debuffs land in almost 100%.Laggs, crap farm arenas, rb jaws to cheap , low community another home made crap
  17. 30-40 online...... not so good
  18. so its faction server with sstacksub system?
  19. ok shut up mofo i played on l2pheonix when u had milk under nose , and dont tell me nothing about rates 1-35x if there is 100-300online this server will die fast like last time or faster u will see , but the old l2Pheonix was in better situation than now and ohh u are BIG fck PRO gamer cos u play on rate 35x.... no comment , come on 1x ,and we can talk about this game
  20. big start?100 online at start...... with rates 25x
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