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Everything posted by Soula

  1. ela gatouli,den eimaste x8esini . . . Move ur ass from here or Cat fist is waiting you in tha corner
  2. who cares,you must be so dumb to steal your money a newbie
  3. i never made pentakill but i dont play that pro i need to learn more :p
  4. Soula

    Steal Wi-Fi

    not if its protected with Wpa2-psk and most of them have wpa2-psk protection but nvm there are websites ;) http://www.nickkusters.com/Services/SpeedTouch/Lookup (only for thomson this )
  5. Soula

    Steal Wi-Fi

    gimme on pm the thomsons Internet SSID (aka its name ) and i will give you the password )
  6. Soula

    Steal Wi-Fi

    then why dont you steal xd
  7. Soula

    Steal Wi-Fi

    You should buy an adaptor
  8. so it could be a great choice for 2nd champion as my first is master yi
  9. Its All Michael's Work,im sure that you didnt work at anything ... Credits Me for making the options and such and Michael who helped me at the start ( i didn't know a shit about l2net and he helped me alot
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