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Everything posted by BuTToNzZz

  1. good but people can google it
  2. χαλαρωσε οκ ουτε 5 μερες δεν ασχολουμαι :P
  3. link με guide και μίλα καλύτερα δεν βλάπτει
  4. san paixnidi kalo einai alla opws eipes k esu dn prodidetai to rhmadi to l2 :D
  5. apo poia etairia pairneis internet?
  6. Μπορεί κανείς να μου βρει ένα gm shop που να περιέχει d/c/b/a grade armor και weapon?
  7. preconfigured? :S
  8. e3akolou8w na mhn katalabainw :D
  9. gameserver/config/olympiad.properties
  10. Internalhostname= * ExternalHostname= thn wan ip sou
  11. se koroideuei ^^
  12. poy pas me preconfigured pack file na shkwseis server :D
  13. 3erei mhpws kanenas poy allazw tis times sto sell sto gm shop?...ty :)
  14. gameserver/config/server.properties minprotocolrevision: 1 kai maxprotocolrevision: 999
  15. em afou exeis preconfigured pack
  16. na kai kati xrhsimo nice share :D
  17. kane diko s :S
  18. AgrotisMonosPsaxnei h FarmerAloneSearching
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