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Everything posted by Soviete
[Tool] Elements Multisell [1.0]
Soviete replied to Dysfunction's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2J]
ty. Are u working on version 2? Hope you release it! -
[Share]NPC+PET Buffer (Gracia Plus)
Soviete replied to Devangell™'s topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
downloading. Thank you. Going to test some buffers and see what fits better. -
nice and clean! Thanks for share. Server almost done. :D
(Share) Skill enchanter for Interlude
Soviete replied to `Яomeo`'s topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
ROFL!!!!! Nice npc! Thank you m8! A MUST HAVE! -
Custom Magma Augumenter [Interlude]
Soviete replied to Devangell™'s topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
I can't see a difference about this augmenter and the basic ones @ BS's. Tks for share, I see it's good for some members. -
[Share] {Interlude }{NPC BUFFER FRE E DONATER}
Soviete replied to J4KS0N's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
Someone knows a GE version of this or another good buffer? Tks in advance. -
[Share][Anti-Cheat Guard v. 1.6]
Soviete replied to extr3me's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2J]
I was ready to ask about it. I dont like client side protectors due to lack of security and antivirus fake alarm... there's any other protector for l2j server side? Free? Paid? Links please. Thanks guys. -
[Share]Rabbit Event
Soviete replied to MasterDisaster's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2J]
What it do and works on epilogue as another guy asked? Tks -
[Share]L2 Online Players Map for your l2 web site
Soviete replied to bubulinas's topic in Website Templates & Themes (Free)
nice! Can I divide the map? For example, map1.html shows giran/oren area, map2.html shows aden area? Thank you! -
[SHARE][UPDATED] 1 Hour Buff Config
Soviete replied to Vicer's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2J]
Thank you. I was searching for these id's for a while :D -
yo, link broken, can you please upload it again? I'm curious. Thanks.
[share] IG Walker 2.05 - Gracia Part 1 and Part 2
Soviete replied to mandachumbo's topic in Botting [English]
first link is broken. Can anyone repost? Tks. edit: nvm ty! xD -
[Guide] New form of how to use L2walker again in Dragon-Network
Soviete replied to VOoDOoSexy's topic in Botting [English]
Drakes one. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Imports from kernel32.dll ; extrn LoadLibraryA extrn GetProcAddress extrn VirtualAlloc extrn VirtualFree ; ; Imports from oleaut32.dll ; extrn SysFreeString ; ; Imports from advapi32.dll ; extrn RegQueryValueExA ; ; Imports from user32.dll ; extrn GetKeyboardType ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
[Guide] New form of how to use L2walker again in Dragon-Network
Soviete replied to VOoDOoSexy's topic in Botting [English]
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Exports ; Index: 1 Name: AttachMe ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Imports from oleaut32.dll ; extrn SysFreeString extrn SysReAllocStringLen extrn SysAllocStringLen ; ; Imports from advapi32.dll ; extrn RegQueryValueExA extrn RegOpenKeyExA extrn RegCloseKey ; ; Imports from user32.dll ; extrn GetKeyboardType extrn DestroyWindow extrn LoadStringA extrn MessageBoxA extrn CharNextA ; ; Imports from kernel32.dll ; extrn GetACP extrn Sleep extrn VirtualFree extrn VirtualAlloc extrn GetTickCount extrn QueryPerformanceCounter extrn GetCurrentThreadId extrn InterlockedDecrement extrn InterlockedIncrement extrn VirtualQuery extrn WideCharToMultiByte extrn MultiByteToWideChar extrn lstrlen extrn lstrcpyn extrn LoadLibraryExA extrn GetThreadLocale extrn GetStartupInfoA extrn GetProcAddress extrn GetModuleHandleA extrn GetModuleFileNameA extrn GetLocaleInfoA extrn GetCommandLineA extrn FreeLibrary extrn FindFirstFileA extrn FindClose extrn ExitProcess extrn ExitThread extrn CreateThread extrn CompareStringA extrn WriteFile extrn UnhandledExceptionFilter extrn RtlUnwind extrn RaiseException extrn GetStdHandle ; ; Imports from kernel32.dll ; extrn TlsSetValue extrn TlsGetValue extrn TlsFree extrn TlsAlloc extrn LocalFree extrn LocalAlloc ; ; Imports from user32.dll ; extrn PeekMessageA extrn MsgWaitForMultipleObjects extrn MessageBoxA extrn LoadStringA extrn GetSystemMetrics extrn CharNextA extrn CharToOemA ; ; Imports from kernel32.dll ; extrn WriteProcessMemory extrn WritePrivateProfileStringA extrn WriteFile extrn WaitForSingleObject extrn VirtualQuery extrn VirtualProtectEx extrn TerminateProcess extrn Sleep extrn SetFilePointer extrn SetEvent extrn SetEndOfFile extrn ResumeThread extrn ResetEvent extrn ReadProcessMemory extrn ReadFile extrn OpenProcess extrn LoadLibraryA extrn LeaveCriticalSection extrn InitializeCriticalSection extrn GetVersionExA extrn GetThreadLocale extrn GetStdHandle extrn GetProcAddress extrn GetPrivateProfileStringA extrn GetModuleHandleA extrn GetModuleFileNameA extrn GetLocaleInfoA extrn GetLocalTime extrn GetLastError extrn GetFullPathNameA extrn GetExitCodeThread extrn GetDiskFreeSpaceA extrn GetDateFormatA extrn GetCurrentThreadId extrn GetCurrentProcessId extrn GetCPInfo extrn InterlockedIncrement extrn InterlockedExchange extrn InterlockedDecrement extrn FreeLibrary extrn FormatMessageA extrn EnumCalendarInfoA extrn EnterCriticalSection extrn DeleteCriticalSection extrn CreateMutexA extrn CreateFileA extrn CreateEventA extrn CompareStringA extrn CloseHandle ; ; Imports from kernel32.dll ; extrn Sleep ; ; Imports from oleaut32.dll ; extrn SafeArrayPtrOfIndex extrn SafeArrayGetUBound extrn SafeArrayGetLBound extrn SafeArrayCreate extrn VariantChangeType extrn VariantCopy extrn VariantClear extrn VariantInit ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
before, the port was fixed, now the port changes... only this lol xD Drake know how to make the things dificult... but i like it :D if noone uses the bot i agree to not use too... but i know, that some ppl still using :/
Hiho, dragon net dont work anymore o.O ive checked the ip, but cant get the token. Plz make it work.
hiho, something changed? Tks for help, the ip on "official" post doesnt work =P Nice work jrs07jrs ^^ L2Walker óñïåøíî ïðîïàò÷åí äëÿ ðàáîòû ñ ñåðâåðîì STANDART Óäà÷íîãî âàì Áîòîâîäñòâà! Æåëàþ íå âñòðåòèòü GM'îâ! =) Copyright by Hint (ICQ # 309-662) 23:26:34 Âñåì ìîë÷àòü, ñáîëòíåòå - óáüþ :o) 23:26:34 Enjoy! 23:26:34 Link LoginServer Succeed. 23:26:35 ->Login LoginServer Fail. 23:27:00 Âñåì ìîë÷àòü, ñáîëòíåòå - óáüþ :o) 23:27:00 Link LoginServer Succeed. 23:27:01 ->Login LoginServer Fail.
How-to make L2 OFF Server
Soviete replied to KarmaLog's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2OFF]
ive this server... they work with c4 client/? if not... how can i get c4 server? Im playing in l2j but its sux... xD ty in advance -
10.4.9 L2Walker was patched for iDragon3d (10:01:25) Copyright by Hint (ICQ # 309-662) 10:01:34 ->Link VerifyServer Fail. i cant log idragon... but 10.2.3 show this when i change the port to 7890 10:04:01 欢迎使用天堂II行者,请访问网站www.tt2xz.com检查最新版本,或发表你的意见和建义。 10:04:01 Link LoginServer Succeed. 10:04:07 ->Login LoginServer Fail. i've tryied delay 0~15 and didnt worked... also openned the engine.dll (same token, protocol found) no changes... (aparently hehehe) except a thing that maxtor said... there's no V.e.r.s.i.o.n.C.h.e.c.k near... if someone can help me i will be grateful... kisses and hugs muhahahh Ps.: If a lot of ppl is asking the same, u are free to delete this #$%#@#@ post :D
L2Walker was patched for iDragon3d (10:01:25) Copyright by Hint (ICQ # 309-662) 10:01:34 ->Link VerifyServer Fail. i cant log idragon... but 10.2.3 show this when i change the port to 7890 10:04:01 欢迎使用天堂II行者,请访问网站www.tt2xz.com检查最新版本,或发表你的意见和建义。 10:04:01 Link LoginServer Succeed. 10:04:07 ->Login LoginServer Fail. i've tryied delay 0~15 and didnt worked... also openned the engine.dll (same token, protocol found) no changes... (aparently hehehe) except a thing that maxtor said... there's no V.e.r.s.i.o.n.C.h.e.c.k below... if someone can help me... i will be grateful kisses and hugs muhahahh :D