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Everything posted by Jayde

  1. Jayde


    you do not occur to that play here for fun? but it would be bad to have a little more world.
  2. Jayde


    you do not occur to that play here for fun? but it would be bad to have a little more world.
  3. the server is not mine:p
  4. the server is not mine:p
  5. Amazing Share kOzA,Just WTF!
  6. Amazing Share kOzA,Just WTF!
  7. I made post and here just for fun maybe there is a problem?:o
  8. I made post and here just for fun maybe there is a problem?:o
  9. Jayde


  10. JOIN.
  11. Jayde


  12. .
  13. Lineage 2 DMC Server Version: Interlude Server Rates XP 1000 | SP 1000 | Adena 1000 Party XP x10 | Party SP x10 Vote Rewards Topzone Hopzone Basic Features * Completed C4 / C5 / C6 and some special skills * Custom Shops with full c4, c5, Interlude and customized things * Custom Teleporter with special zones * Monsters only in farm zones * 5 subclasses for 1 character * Auto Class Master * Community board is disable * Augmentation system work * Enchant Skills work * Banking system mode on * Offline trade system mode on * Start Level 80 + 100% * Max buff slots setted to: 81 * Autolearn Skills * Custom Start up zone Enchant *Safe:4 *Max weapon: 20 *Max armor: 20 *Normal scroll: 75% *Blessed scroll: 100% Karma *Karma player can use shop *Karma player can't use teleport *Karma player can use soe *Karma player can't use trade *Karma player can use warehouse Olympiad * Olympiad start time at 18:00 (6 pm ) * Olympiad compeition period is 6 hours * Hero are chosen every week Events * TVT ( Name in Game: Team vs Team Event ) * CTF ( Name in Game: Capture The Flag ) Farm zones * Farm zone 1 / 2 / 3 /4 * Level up & Starting Zone Custom Npc`s / Feautures * Gm Shop * Town Buffers * PvP / Pk Ranks * Subclass Masters * Global Gatekeeper * Augmenter * All npc's look different Farm Items * Gold Bar's * Adena's * Festival Adena Augments * Top-Grade Life Stone | chance 32% (Farmable) Custom CMDS * .ctfjoin * .tvtjoin * .deposit * .withdraw Custom Item * Nightmarish Tattoo(gives MP/CP/HP) NO LAG / NO WIPE / NO CORRUPTION / 100% UPTIME www.l2dmc.ucoz.ro www.l2dmc.ucoz.ro www.l2dmc.ucoz.ro
  14. Jayde


    sorry to spoil it but the server is running a half months and have ppl.
  15. Jayde


    those servers I've seen lately with protections close in weeks so do not tell me shit,AND THE SERVER IS NOT MINE..
  16. Jayde


    at least this server is holding open long... not like some private servers , closed in two weeks;)
  17. Jayde


    Yeah dude from a socket epidemic not have to make better that way and whoever likes ENTERS.
  18. Jayde


    the server is not mine simply advertise if you like join,bye.
  19. Jayde


    try again.
  20. Jayde


  21. @Koza+DeathLegend gonna feel better if i post here to all this mystic company with good DDos protect that Renaissance/awakening/sparkle/sandora uses?
  22. Maybe u and your pro clan use Archers to farm with burn shot right?
  23. Gtfo kOzA we all know u do this coz u want ppl join in your fcking corrupted servers and coz u are a fcking Animal that feel pro when DDos! And yes this is server got more serious project than yours and sandora together! they got good balance and not a boring pvp server!
  24. So +1 For DeathLegend if this is true! If u Interlude.pro' Admin (i dont know your name ;p) wanna ppl join in your server buy a good DDos protection and stop sh1ting us with lagz and bad hosters etc.. Gl
  25. u feel happy matha facka? fail computer boys think with DDos own all the world but u can do a sh1t !
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