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Everything posted by Jayde

  1. Server Rate:x1000 Enchant Rate: Safe:3 Max:Unlimited Chance like retail .. Farm/PvP : 1.Safe Zone 2.Pvp/pk zone 3.Pvp area(I'm tired of seeing continuity pvp area primeval island,I hope it is something special.) Buff Infos:24 buff slots(2h buffs) Boss Jewels from bosses like retail ..
  2. Seems Epic. good luck with that,although i do not think we need it:)
  3. www.l2frost.eu I worked every day over the balance.
  4. www.l2frost.eu
  5. look here he spam our topic 4-5-6 times w/o any reason he dont have join in our server,also he insult our staff please check it thanks a lot regards. Dymatize@ http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=252654.15 !
  6. Jayde


    spammer?read up!
  7. Jayde


    i'am not crazy ! :P just check sth!
  8. Jayde


  9. This is not a reason to spam... we will see in 30 minutes what will happen END !
  10. we will see in 30 minutes what will happen.
  11. Inferno: 30 Minutes delay and we will open it again reinstal sql and updating for bug problem. http://www.l2exinfernis.com/index.php?topic=153.0
  12. Inferno: Server will open in 20 minutes at 23:00 GMT +2 !! Stay Tuned and we are sorry for everything http://www.l2exinfernis.com/index.php?topic=153.0
  13. do not like children,definitely a problem! I hope to fix the problem.
  14. Jayde


  15. Jayde


    your name ingame?
  16. Jayde


    server runs from ro..Logic is:p
  17. There is nothing amazing,but keeps!
  18. low..advertised for this ! but in general is good and stable..
  19. www.l2dmc.ucoz.ro !
  20. Jayde


    www.l2dmc.ucoz.ro !
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