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Everything posted by sNNNx#TeaM?

  1. If Maxtor hadn't deleted the cfg files, I would show you that 13/18 players were from Foreign countries and not from Greece, but people speaking without evidence in this forum is something very usual.
  2. You're a MxC member since 21-1-2010? ???
  3. Well ye, I like Yellow color too =)
  4. Oh I was thinking that you wanted our comments on the painting, sorry :/ xD
  5. Ye, it's a nice painting, I like the colors but the sea looks a kind not real...But Mona Lisa is a better painting I think...
  6. Even if someone does, who's commenting on it since no-one will comment again on that video... >.>
  7. No way these words in order would be a text...I wouldn't call that a text >.>
  8. I would say to Gold Members to lock threads for stupid reasons without thinking before they lock.
  9. And why it's named "Youtube thread"?
  10. Because the video link was not a youtube? ROFL..
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=119550.0;topicseen It's not a youtube video >.>
  12. It's not a copy...It's just how this style is...So... n/m OnTopic: It's a....is something....It looks like....Oh damn, I can't describe this thing, sorry.
  13. ??? ah? Well, not the best shot you can do but anyway..
  14. to port poy exeis anoiksei einai sigoura 27015?
  15. I don't care, I just wanna know if I can pay for Admin's Rank!Because as far as I see in here: Money makes the forum go round, the forum go round, the forum go round... Anyway, Addytzu or how the hell your pathetic nickname is spelled, read some tutorials on how to add a text.
  16. Hahahahahahahaha hahahahaahahahah Seriously, I wasn't in a good mood but with what you just posted you made my damn ass laugh out.. OffTopic: Can I pay for getting Admin status in here except the rewards?Jesus..
  17. All of them have one thing in common. Crappy texts.
  18. :O Maybe because Maxtor forgot to give me FTP Access when I was developing it and I could add NOTHING?How should the server get people when no addons were added. From the second day the server had 18/24 slots, but after that, we had to re-install the server and everything got lost. So, please shut the fck up and stop saying bullshit
  19. I think I have much more experience and skill in CSS Development, and trust me, it's really hard, but anyway, who cares! BTW When I loged in 3aim-botters were playing with each other...VAC Secure is off...Wow!
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