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Everything posted by Zodac

  1. Seems like ebay is the way 8)
  2. Refresh
  3. Got a West acc lv 30 , gold V ~20 champs would sell it 20 euro . [won't go first]
  4. Account : Champs : http://puu.sh/3133m.jpg[/img] Runes : I have not traded anything on max forum so far but since I am aware of all those scammers I won't go first . If you interested in buying my acc leave a msg with skype or raidcall information.
  5. Any special Gifts to clans with 10+ members ? Also GMT + ? and whats the point making Max Debuff 3 ?
  6. Is there anywho called Yolanda in the staff ?
  7. l2 shame
  8. Love that you mention champs who can be directly countered ;D
  9. Lemme have a start . Numero uno : shen cassio rammus galio shyvana Leona Morgana Janna Tristana Graves
  10. Try Yorick Support , its a secret all round- counter. Quote from Stephas .
  11. There is 800 elo ? I do not know things like this ;(
  12. E opios den ine Gold , ine noob. ^^ isxi apo simera
  13. We DO NOT speak about 1000 / 1300 elo , do we ?
  14. @Noble The things you mentioned can not be closed by min 60 ':) either u go solo lane xD
  15. Runes : Glyphs : MR flat : Seal : Gold / 10 : Quinss : Gold / 10 : Marks : Armor 3 on Attack picking ability power / 6 on defence picking mr and armor / 21 on Ulility [DO NOT EVEN THINK TO PICK +40 G ITS SHIT !]
  16. She need to stay allive in a fight , like Warmogs Spirit visage Wota is the best build for her.
  17. Since when u play League of Legends Yolanda ? o_o
  18. Better Watch the spotlicht ;)
  19. Heal Clarity - 5xx elo ?
  20. I am sorry if i do not read all i saw Heal clarity and i had to post here .. seems like everyone takes the wrong icons ... sad days
  21. Heal Clarity , when they gank u use clarity , right ?
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