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Everything posted by Evered

  1. double weapon for figther!!! mage can cast 2 skill togheter!! wow now is so interesting!!
  2. with good critical power and critical rate : SAGGITARIUS!!!
  3. we really need of l3 or some l2 low rate with out hack and expoit!!! perfect server :D
  4. Farmville is the best! :P during working!! ahaha
  5. bro look this game's!!! http://play.tm/review/28075/bayonetta/
  6. welcome bro!
  7. You are welcome..read the rulez :P
  8. for very large monitor plasma is better!!! i have 62" plasma
  9. try the old version on psp!! so good!
  10. so slow game!! i prefer residen evil!! ;-)
  11. The best is archery!!! with a some +99999 bow mhuahahuauha
  12. funny game..but i don't like the graphics
  13. l2dreams 1800 pvp 500 pk xD
  14. The latest news circulating on the net give the game released in 2009 but in that regard, both the software house that Namco Bandai (as a publisher) are silent now for a long period.
  15. Some one know if capcom working for this game?! i love the style of this game!!
  16. L2 for the life :P no competition!
  17. play on lineage no vetim :P
  18. if your char have a pet with trasfer pain (necro) Major Arcana set is good!!
  19. l2dreams!!! i leave it for this reason, and i wonna hack it :P sorry for my english
  20. there are still good server...but i need something totally different!! stop farm in the some place!!!
  21. Resident evil 5 of course!!! the zombie seem real :P
  22. i will downlaod because i can play it on psp!! great!!! :D
  23. Thank to all!!
  24. ahahhaha a lot of server make in hunter village most events!!!! SO THK FOR SHARE IT!!!
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