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Everything posted by kurameboli

  1. who cares ..... noob admin and noob server ..... actualy fail .....
  2. lol another l2cleaver fail example
  3. redman WHAT the fuk are you doing here ? i think you used to be Interlude player only wtf u doing here LMAO
  4. u wanna say your server is more fun than l2ex / l2 elite / l2paradise ? true story bra well i won't comment yet ..... when server full live i join and get ready to get the comment list full with fail out of ur lol server
  5. whatever .......... but all this sh1t is in a noobish l2 java with fuked bugged files .........
  6. because the idea of the server is unique ............... doesn't matter java or off ....... yes there are some buggs but ......... its unique server A grade and S grade is from crafting or drop ...... yesterday i got full drop tallum light armor ............ also stakato fangs quest for mats and lots of shits working well it feels like low rate stats but with x30 aka easier farm and easier lv up
  7. yeah 1k online but server is epic lol ....... fukking bugged java ......... welcome to l2 front back stab ...........
  8. why do u say im idot ......... u talk about l2ex l2 elite l2paradise ......... but ur server don't have even a single feature of those servers...... nothing special so ?? i see full buffer ..... 2 hours / i see only 2 custom zones lol features
  9. @For those of you who don't know me yet: I've been playing L2 since 2004 (Korean Open Beta, if my memory doesn't fail) and developing L2 servers ever since 2006. I've successfully GMed at famous servers such as L2Elite, L2Paradise, L2Extreme and L2Ultimate. I have ran many servers in the past, the most famous ones being L2Vendetta, which I owned for over 3 and a half years and L2Dust. dunno what to say ........ tell you gl or say LOL LMAO ..... cause i see the server features and nothing special just another lol server .... if u was realy what u say u are the server would be another thing do you have a damn idea wtf is l2 extreme ?
  10. from the website @ Welcoming discounts DONATE NOW ............ NICE
  11. or just don't waste ur time here ... l2donate..........
  12. lets give it a try ftw :D
  13. El servidor failzoRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :D br FTW
  14. No Dances&Songs in NPC Buffer, they unbalance the gameplay. Please don't tell me all the time to add them. I will not. No Soulshots,Spiritshots,Manapotions in Misc Shop.You can find shots from dwarfs, manapotions as pvp reward. WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. - NPC Buffer in Town (Prophet Buffs only) - Bufftime 1 hour (All Buffs) and the rest { dances / songs } from AIO donate ???? /cool story bra
  16. the donation for items is not such a problem as the fuked-up classes with 0 balance ...................... archer vs dagger normal s grade items full buffs back stab 700 dmg ...... archer crit 3k ....... this is just a an EPIC LOL necro debuffs landing rate 100% all debuffs ......... other mages debuffs = gl next year fucked up classes fail server
  17. if they don't have money why they open server lmao .... tard
  18. yeah basic buffs in buffer might haste shield ........ and the rest - AIOx System (only by donation). /fail
  19. good server .... but lol admin , no balance in classes , all the server only necro and archers ............ when i said hey admin fix the sps skills he said if i fix sps skills it will become sps fest , then i say ok man fix gladi skills he said it will be glad fest then i said ok fix dagger class he said if i fix dagger class it will be dagger fest .........
  20. BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. no qq please .....
  22. ONLINE join everybody join join join hell yeaaaaaaah :)
  23. everyday new server + adding the most famous pro part : everything working 98% (The other 2% we will fix it with your support ig) LMAO realy .............
  24. 3 fakin hours 50 b1tching minutes left , can't wait :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  25. make augmentation chance higher ... wtf 10% this is not x1 server ........... make it at least 30%
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