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About 5n4k3

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  1. NICE SHARE KNOXVILLE !!!! It was working till yesterday, i get in a few accounts (40), but found nothing good. It seems like in that server its not easy to get adena, neather get items grade A. Just looking in Giran and Goddar, few people with DOOM, and i see only a mage with DARK CRYSTAL. By the way, its a huge server with a lot of people playing, like DRAGON . At this moment, login server its ON, but heavy and i cant log. DId anyone try DUPeing items?? Cya.
  2. Very nice & easy guide! Thks +1 Karma
  3. This is a nice share jajaja +1 Karma Thks
  4. How much for 1 horn ?? I need a horn for making sub?? :)
  5. Maybe fixed in DN, only i got is a social "hello".
  6. Man , the reason is simple. PAY!!!! If u have good times doing exploits found reading this forum ( like i do... ).Its not much money, just help to keep this forum alive. Regards...
  7. Yes i didnt try it, but thats the reasons why DRAGON server was down many times, trying to fix this , and admins had banned many people that DUPE donators coins.. :-). I will try in DRAGON with new chars... :)
  8. I cant log this is the msg: 00:42:25 WP v5.04F © Sauron 00:42:26 Link LoginServer Succeed. 00:42:26 ->Login LoginServer Fail.
  9. If i run first OllyDbg and later run l2.exe , have a error mssg and cant init the game. Runing first l2.exe and then OllyDbg cant open l2.exe.
  10. That happened to me. When u open the enchant window, see that u have two items of the same that u are trying to enchant. First click on the "real" item, then send packets. To know wich is the real item, not the ghost, just use it, put it on; that will appear the last item in the enchant window. Hope u understand my poor english. Regards
  11. Only find ID ?? nothing to change??
  12. Thats true, even if it works. But we can still have fun with many servers that dont get fixed really fast. Am I wrong, but he said he only have to capture incomming packets only?? How can u exploit only capturing not sending ....... ?
  13. How can i get TOKEN from michelle dropcalc ?? Thanks
  14. Not working. Like kaguyakun said, only gives u 1 karma porint :)
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