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Everything posted by B-Boy

  1. l2net, amazing script power. I have been non-stopping botting like 6-7 days with it :D
  2. Well, with one ClientEx.dll now i can log normal with ig walker but doesnt verify, some suggestions?
  3. Where is this server hosted? :)
  4. This server will have more ppl since l2bound failed :D :D ill join here for sure gl
  5. ppl think that dagger skills are the same for duelists/tyrants/titans, etc.... The p atak doesnt affect to the damage of daggers skillz, but p atak is very necesary for duelist skills in all the chronicles :) + Patak = + Dmg per Skill nothing about the colour LOL!!!
  6. Atm there are no walker/l2net bypassed for that server, if u wanna bot u should use l2tower till somebody share a walker for sublimity :)
  7. l2tower works perfect there :D
  8. Full Bug server, i have one duelist there lv 79 with +7 S dual sword and i hit for 600 dmg with triple sonic slash on DC robe +0 LOL!
  9. I want to bot in this server too, i tried to many things but theres no way... some solution please
  10. B-Boy


    This server is l2off or l2j????? looks nice
  11. This is l2off??
  12. Hi, can somebody share a l2walker for this server? l2.czechgamers.net/ I think many ppl are botting there atm, I tried bot in this server but theres no way :(, hope somebody can share a bypassed l2w, thanks :)
  13. Hi, im looking for a server C4, C5, Interlude, Kamael or Hellbound, must be one of these chronicles, Low, Mid Or high rate server, i really dont care but must be l2off and without customs sh1ts, with a nice population :) Thanks.
  14. Should be open soon...... :)
  15. Duelist rulz, is the best char for me and is the top char on il servers.....
  16. U can bot there with l2asrv and normal l2walker IG interlude version.....
  17. Please... many ppl need a bot for this server :(
  18. Fckng new antibot protection..... can somebody bypass it soon??? /useskill Summon Tilemachos
  19. Im searching for a bot on this serverr too! many ppl want it..... somebody should bypass it for free :(
  20. The server now is perfect!!! Its amazing server go and join theree!! around 1.200 - 1700 players on!!
  21. How work this??? more information about program please...
  22. I will join for sure, i hope this will be a long live server :)
  23. ppl online???
  24. I will join, hope this time u wont fail. I like vendetta a lot :)
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