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Everything posted by Sacri

  1. Lol 50 euros. Believe me I wouldn't even care for such a small amount We are talking about 4 digits right here. And believe me I can charge him for online fraud using (Δίωξης Ηλεκτρονικού Εγκλήματος). I will talk with my lawyer as I already have all information I need. And believe me I will chase this. Even if I will have to sue him. So you understand why i said lol @ 50e. But when we are talking about 2k-3k then YES the court fees whould be much less Being toxic is a diffrent thing. I am just saying what i am willing to do...
  2. I dont believe he is a scammer and bad things happend on the internet. Of course alot of the things he says doesnt make sense (money "lost" in mid air, other cards attached etc.) He also told me that paypal send him the money (on a diffrent card from what he has attached) and it will take up to 5 days to show up(it usually takes 2 days so this might also be inacurate) If he was a scammer he wouldnt even bother to post, reply or even login. As a said its a wierd situation. I will wait until 1/2/14 to see what will happen. In the end, he should find the money and send it to us even if he pays form his own pocket. Then i will take any neccasary legal/illegal actions and post a bunch of personal sensitive information about him (name, surname, DOB, mother name, father name, ID number, telephone, town he lives, town he is studying and maybe i could find his AFM)
  3. I will give him one last chance as he started replying on his pm's and maybe the issue can be resolve. Lets see....! Wierd situation!
  4. So after about 10 days we have no news about this... If you are so sure about this, post something or answer to pm's I had some issues with PP in the past but is was resolved in days not weeks. If he is a scammer he had a profit of over 100.000e as i believe was his title Not bad if you ask me Btw all of sudden his facebook page is gone! (GR) η σιωπή είναι χρυσός ή χιλιάδες ευρώ!
  5. Still going, trusted guy. Fast and always online
  6. An other fast and perfect transaction. Trusted!
  7. An other fast and big excange! I am a regural now!
  8. Trusted... και αλλα 350 EUR... σε λιγοτερο απο 60"
  9. Sorry if this is the wrong board but i dint know where to post it. If so please move my topic to the right board. So my question is: I have a problem with my old dedicated server and i want to move in a new company. Which to choose and why. I have found some but i wanted the opinion of the experts :). This is what i have found so far 1st Site 2ond Site
  10. The problem is that i cant change java files cause i dont have the source files.... If there is no other way please tell me and lock this topic :)
  11. So could someone change them for me (if the .java file is the same) and sent it over so i can overwrite the file?
  12. Hi i want to ask you something. How can i add my items as starting items for people that start a new char. I edited tha char_templates table in sql and everything is cool. But the problem is that i need to add more than 5 items. I creat new columns but ingame no changes only 5 items. Someone told me i have to edit source files. The problem is that i dont have them (using l2joneo pack). Is there a way to add more items. And if someone has done that please sent me over the java file to overwrite. Thank you for reading
  13. Έχει πρόβλημα με την java. Μάλλον το JAVA_HOME Var είναι λάθος. Είχα και εγώ το ίδιο πρόβλημα. Για να το φτιάξεις πήγαινε στο Window|Preferences|Java|Installed JREs από το Eclipse και άλλαξε το στον φάκελο της java (C:\Program Φίλες\Java\jdk1.6.0_14). Ps: Μπορείς να κάνεις compile με ant μέσο από το Eclipse όπως έκανες και με το Datapack. Οτι αλλο προβλημα εχεις απλα ρωτα :D
  14. Erm... can you tell me what exactly i have to edit?
  15. +1 agree. If you can, upload the custom you want, i could make it work i guess.
  16. Use hide Ip platinum. Its a program that hides your ip. If you need some detailed info just ask
  17. Did you have any errors in gameserver or sql?
  18. Τι εννοείς υπάρχουν διάφοροι τρόποι. Από launcher μέχρι και manual αλλαγή το l2.ini
  19. Maybe telling us what pack your using will help as a lot. And what custom you want to add that will be helpfull too
  20. Just the ini.... But you have to open the ports of your router and also fill out the config files right. There are a lot of toturials in this forum that explains how. Have fun playing with your friends. If you need further assistance dont hesitate tou ask :)
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