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About ozeritozz

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  1. Adapt for Frozen maybe?
  2. Its up to the party leaders to have a cp that the players are able to travel on their own, 18+ years old etc. Calling out server owners liers for a good idea not so nice, since its not only up to them for somthing like that to happen.
  3. Maybe is hard to be done yeah, but not a bad idea. If the server owners get in touch with several companies and get sponsored, its not that hard to organize a local tournament finals. The only hard part is the players to be able to fly out of their countries.
  4. This shit is some next level server, going to be huge don't miss it boys!
  5. Insta exchanged my 25 paysafe card to paypal, really fast and friendly support!
  6. We reopening guys we had some issues with our vps provides.
  7. Server Info: Grand opening is: Saturday 5 December 2015 - 18:00 GMT+2 Hardware Information Processors: Intel® CoreT i7-960 Processor RAM: 16 GB DDR2 Hard Drives: 4*146 GB SAS HDD + HW Raid SATA2 RAID HARD 1 Connection: 1 Gbps Server Rates: Exp/Sp x1000 / Andena x500 Enchant Rate: Normal Scrolls: Safe 3 - Max 15 (75% success rate) Blessed Scrolls: Safe 3 - Max 15 (100% success rate) Crystal Scrolls: Safe 15 - Max 20 (100% success rate) Life Stone Rates: Mid Life stone Skill Success Rate: 10% High Life stone Skill Success Rate: 20% Top Life stone Skill Success Rate: 40% Custom Zones: 1)Level up Area/Starting Area: Giran Harbour 2)Safe Farm Area : Hot Springs (Andena/Farm Coins) 3)Farm Area : School of Dark Arts (Andena/Farm Coins/Life Stones) 4)PvP Zone : Gludin Village (Arena Mode) Custom NPCs: Scheme Buffer Scheme/Sets Buffer Gatekeeper (Worldwide teleports) Chaotic Gatekeeper (Located In Gludin/ Teleports inside the chaotic Zone) Clan Service Manager(Increase Clan level to 8 and Reputation points) Gm shop(offers all items up to S grade, consumables , Farm shop and Vote shop) Skill Enchanter available for all classes Top PvP/Pk list Raid Boss Status PvP Dominance Temporary Effects: System Messages and temporary hero status for those on killing streak Other noticeable Info: Olympiad Period: 1 week Sieges : Weekly Augment Skill Stack: Max 1 Active-1 Passive Massive Vote Reward System Custom Boss every 12h dropping one random epic jewel and 5-6 top grade life stones Top PvP/Pk colour system Geodata/Pathnodes 100% Working TvT Event every 1 hour Infinity Soulshots/Spiritshot Offline Shops Staff: For any queries , you can contact either TylerTheCreator or me through Skype (Check Staff Menu on website) and/or Message on forum . Thank you for taking the time to read this post and stay tuned on www.l2silphium.com for more updates/events and news.
  8. Im using the free acis so it might be a little bit outdated from the paid one. I changed Collection<L2PcInstance> pls = L2World.getInstance().getPlayers(); to Collection<L2PcInstance> pls = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().values(); and this StringUtil.printSection("Vote Reward"); to Util.printSection("Vote Reward");
  9. Tons of thanks An4rchy I just tested it and its working on last acis free rev, with the fixes of Rootware thanks too dude.
  10. Working nicely on acis
  11. If find 2,3 no one of them working ;/
  12. any1 can share with me a acis npc buffer?
  13. Nice server, nice features. Revolution crew will play there.
  14. Server Machine Processor Model: Intel Core™ i7 RAM Count: 16GB DDR3 Hard Drives: SSD 120 GB Internet Connection: 1 Gbps Rates Information Chronicle: Interlude Experience: 55x Skill Points: 55x Adena: 200x Enchant Rate Fighter: 50% Enchant Rate Mage: 40% Custom Information Shopping Area - Giran Castle Town Boosted Areas - Varka Silenos Outpost & Ketra Orc Outpost Subclass System - Custom system, players need to hunt Toi - 3, 8, 11 and obtain an item from them in order to become subclass. Toi Raids respawn time is 1 hour and players can directly port to them. Noblesse System - Retail like quest, lunargent and hellfire can be found in GM Shops, Barakiel respawn time 2 hours. Fusion Armor - Little bit higher stats than normal s grade armors, to keep the game more interesting and fun. NPC Buffers - 1st, 2nd and 3rd class buffs can be found at the NPC Buffer, except resists. Buffs last 2 hours. GM Shops & Global Gatekeepers - GM Shops up to S grade and Global portal around the world. Boosted Raid Bosses - varka's chief horus, varka's hero shadith, varka's comander mos, ketra's chief baraki, ketra comander tayr, ketra's hero hekaton dropping Fusion Armor parts, clan eggs and more, respawn time 12 hours +/- 30 minutes. Combat Reward System - Each time a player wins a pvp or pk he will get rewarded with an coin that can be exchanged for fun items. http://lineage2fusion.com
  15. http://www.4shared.com/file/Et3CrBnK/20120126_213027.html here is the link to download it.
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