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Everything posted by AlreadyGone

  1. morgana>>>> lux spell vamp makes morgana stays in lane forever,instead of bonus 20-190 damage per AUTOATTACK.
  2. up,any good substack except loldragonnetwork and l2phoenix adn some random l2j with 50online?
  3. Server Opened on the 18th of June 2010 any working bot or wtf?:D
  4. Any good substack server outta there?
  5. dont assign buttons with alt+something,use ctrl instead
  6. anyone got idea how to bot with this? i need an assist+autofollow in inactive window. Tried out both,if i use assist on a current target by alt+a,its assisting,but dont follow the char,just go to the spot where the main assist killin mobs and hit the mob,but if the main assist goin to bigger distance,it just lost the sight and stand on the place,without follow :/ If i put /target xy /target xy on macro and put it on pilot,its just follow but not assist. so the question is ,how to make it autoassist and follow?:D
  7. those hand made files after rpg makes me smile,just look at arion :) even agro doesnt work. ill give it a shot,but im really curious hows pvp looks like,i mean how many bothealers in a persons ass i'll meet etc. hows with kamaels?they re viable,their skills working? btw register page is still offline.. and i didnt get the forum activation mail :/
  8. is it worth to start it?whats with the economy if everyone botting? guess i can find a full pt's everywhere and all kind of pvp should looks like one dagger with fullbuff and 3 healer isnt it? register is offline:/
  9. free l2walker? sounds funny but hey,lets give a shot..
  10. oh cmon petrajs,u wont join jacky's circus again?
  11. it was for 30x nab
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