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  1. We are glad to introduce you to our new private L][Division PvP Custom server! Our Site (Under Construction) http://l2division.eu //Server Rates Exp:5000x~Sp:5000x~Adena:5000x //Enchant Rates Normal Scrolls[75% via adena] Blessed Scrolls[85% via farm coins] *After +16 for weapons and +20 for armors the rate will decrease to 75% Crystal Scrolls[100% via vote coins] LifeStone skill rate[30%] * 1 Active and 1 passive //Custom Features Custom NPC: Gm Shop Custom Shop Buffer Vote Reward Account Manager Top Pvp/Pk Rebirth Manager Special Clan manager Global Gatekeeper Exchange manager Boss manager Pk Guard //Custom Command .delevel (Delevel your character to 40) .castlemanager(Open the siege manager) .away ~ .back .repair (Repair your character when your client crashes) .withdraw (1 Gold bar to 500kk adena) .deposit(500kk adena to 1 Gold bar) .menu(Reward info) //Custom Items ~ L][Division coin ( Coins that you need so you can buy some of our custom stuffs). ~ Safe/Easy/Normal/Hard Farm item (Items you farm from killing mobs and then trade them for L][Division coins). ~ Vote Reward item (A special reward item. You can gain it via voting for L][Division server) ~ Dynasty Armor (The custom armor that you gain via farm). ~ Dynasty Weapons (The first costum weapons you gain via farm). ~ L][Division Weapons (The last custom weapons and most powerfull weapons that you can gain via farm). ~ Hero Coin item (Its a coin that gives you the hero ability for 1 day.You can gain it via Vote reward system) ~ Clan reputation item ( Item that gives to clan 2500 reputation). ~ L][Division Tattoo ( Tattoo that has 3 stages of upgrade)*First stage gives 5% Hp/Cp/Mp and you gain it via L][Division coin ~ Second stage gives 10% Hp/Cp/Mp and you gain it via Vote reward item ~ Third stage gives 20% Hp/Cp/Mp. //Events Death Match event : Every 4 hours TvT Event : Every 2 Hours //Custom Zones/RaidBoss's There are 4 farm zones 1 safe farm zone 1 easy farm zone 1 normal farm zone 1 hard farm zone 3 Pvp Stages Pvp Stage 1 van halisha zone (In this pvp zone there is a special L][Division raidboss that drop custom items) Pvp Stage 2 Colosseum Pvp Stage 3 PI RaidBoss's All raidboss's will have chance to drop our custom items but with small chance and some more stuffs //Our Dedicated Machine Cpu: AMD x8 3,10Ghz Ram: 8GB Network: 150Mbps eu traffic line download HD: 2 TB OS: linux server //Server protect Anti DDos Automatic DB backup Firewall protect //L][Division Team Developer and Administrator: Anatolius Game Master: Wuaz Develop Team: L2j LastWarrior
  2. We are glad to introduce you to our new private L][Division PvP Custom server! Our Site (Under Construction) http://l2division.eu //Server Rates Exp:5000x~Sp:5000x~Adena:5000x //Enchant Rates Normal Scrolls[75% via adena] Blessed Scrolls[85% via farm coins] *After +16 for weapons and +20 for armors the rate will decrease to 75% Crystal Scrolls[100% via vote coins] LifeStone skill rate[30%] * 1 Active and 1 passive //Custom Features Custom NPC: Gm Shop Custom Shop Buffer Vote Reward Account Manager Top Pvp/Pk Rebirth Manager Special Clan manager Global Gatekeeper Exchange manager Boss manager Pk Guard //Custom Command .delevel (Delevel your character to 40) .castlemanager(Open the siege manager) .away ~ .back .repair (Repair your character when your client crashes) .withdraw (1 Gold bar to 500kk adena) .deposit(500kk adena to 1 Gold bar) .menu(Reward info) //Custom Items ~ L][Division coin ( Coins that you need so you can buy some of our custom stuffs). ~ Safe/Easy/Normal/Hard Farm item (Items you farm from killing mobs and then trade them for L][Division coins). ~ Vote Reward item (A special reward item. You can gain it via voting for L][Division server) ~ Dynasty Armor (The custom armor that you gain via farm). ~ Dynasty Weapons (The first costum weapons you gain via farm). ~ L][Division Weapons (The last custom weapons and most powerfull weapons that you can gain via farm). ~ Hero Coin item (Its a coin that gives you the hero ability for 1 day.You can gain it via Vote reward system) ~ Clan reputation item ( Item that gives to clan 2500 reputation). ~ L][Division Tattoo ( Tattoo that has 3 stages of upgrade)*First stage gives 5% Hp/Cp/Mp and you gain it via L][Division coin ~ Second stage gives 10% Hp/Cp/Mp and you gain it via Vote reward item ~ Third stage gives 20% Hp/Cp/Mp. //Events Death Match event : Every 4 hours TvT Event : Every 2 Hours //Custom Zones/RaidBoss's There are 4 farm zones 1 safe farm zone 1 easy farm zone 1 normal farm zone 1 hard farm zone 3 Pvp Stages Pvp Stage 1 van halisha zone (In this pvp zone there is a special L][Division raidboss that drop custom items) Pvp Stage 2 Colosseum Pvp Stage 3 PI RaidBoss's All raidboss's will have chance to drop our custom items but with small chance and some more stuffs //Our Dedicated Machine Cpu: AMD x8 3,10Ghz Ram: 8GB Network: 150Mbps eu traffic line download HD: 2 TB OS: linux server //Server protect Anti DDos Automatic DB backup Firewall protect //L][Division Team Developer and Administrator: Anatolius Game Master: Wuaz Develop Team: L2j LastWarrior
  3. http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/install-windows-7-from-usb-drive-requires-2-simple-steps/
  4. xaxaxaax auto to link apla se paei sto profil pou eisai logarismenos
  5. nice features bro!!! good luck with this project!
  6. trusted guy and good prices.. good luck !!!
  7. +1 L2sandora
  8. How much more server you will open? inform us to know because we are really bored. You trick people taking them money and after some days or months the server is offline. Com one one day this have to stop.
  9. gia des auto! http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=31423.0
  10. apla sto code svise tin grami auti if (!last.equals(curr))
  11. pia itan i megaliteri prosfora pou pires karma?( an den 8es na mas peis np :) )
  12. i don't try to destroy your sell or become smart from one post. i just say a rule of this site... http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=232252.msg2073889#msg2073889 this topic locked because selling neobux acc is not allowed...
  13. what about rules? selling accounts is not allowed!! maybe someone will take the account and after 2-3 days get banned..
  14. its only a facebook page that we upload dance music everyday :)
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