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Everything posted by Python

  1. hi guys, im searching a program who can make this cheat: upload to localhost. i know there is a program that can this. coz im using one, but this is limited version only 5kb/s upload:S not fair i know, i hope you can help me.
  2. it was, his pcp server, not the normal rate. as i heard it was closed. but my new info its still working. check it :p
  3. well, dont be sure about that. i met many player who try to save yourself, and they try to explain to the admins: i used walker once, but i ll never use again, plíííííz. etc... about another acc. if you play on private server (most of user here), you can make more acc than one. and if you have a full account, 8 piece of lvl85 char and you use this acc for botting... yeah easily use the full char for bot, but many players dont think about future. i have an acc, 2 char, i use them for bot, i used for phx, used for adena hack, used for dupe exploit, used for wall exploit, etc... if admin ban this acc, nevermind. and yeah, this topic useless. i tried to make a topic, where all player can say anything, how they tactic in walker. but its outcast. plz mods delete this topic, or how can i delete my topic?
  4. hi, guys, first of all, i dont want to make a junk topic. i hope it will not be. i wanna share some tricks how to not be banned using walker. i ll not share any program/hack/bug i dont know any of them. just some tricks, how to aviod the ban. the walkers are bannable offensives. everybody knows. but not easy to ban a person, by a simple picture, by a video. i wrote this guide for newbies, but probably it will helpful for others. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ YOU DONT GET BAN, YET When i first used walker succesfully, i was very hapi, i said the world can suck me, ill be the best. so my first advice, domt be fool. use walker with knowladge.so... -make a walker/hack/cheat account, and use that for botting. not your main char -dont walker in crowded place. find an outcast place, where you are alone. -dont use 126 walker at a time. -never tell you are in walker -check your bot in times. -use the select(logout when char dead) /if they saw you on the ground, res you, and you would kill mobs immediatly....../ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ YOU GOT THE BAN most of time, not the gm catch you. so always check the forum's ban topic, while you are botting. -never admit you used walker you can protect yourself on forum, if you arent scary, arent angry. ill try to show you some plays. if they dont know you(forum acc) used the char, you can play a 3rd player. so you can tell everything if they know you used the char, you can tell: your syster, daughter, uncle, grandma played at that time and they cant speak english, they cant play the game, only some simple things, that you explained them. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ avoid a "ban by fishing", it happened with me. ofc, im a lazy person. so im using walker. what is the most easiest fuction in walker? ofc fishing. i find a rly hide place from everyone, Aden Town :D so ofc i was catched. a topic was maded on forum, there was a picture, while im botting. a player made that. so im getting thinking. the player said, he is botting, surely, he dont answer, dont do anything only use hp pots, when monster caught. so yes he is botting. but i avoid these. i was the 3rd person. so i told, these not prove anything. a player who dont answer, probably cant speak english or simple dont want answer, he dont see the pms. dont do anything only fishing. ofc thats the point of it. when monster caught what is the most easyest thing, when you cant beat the mob? use hp pots, until it will go. next day, i could find an another fishing place, with my unbanned char :) (i could show, on the forum im still in permanent ban :D and i still botting with that char :)) so be clever, and fight until you can. simple pictures, videos dont prove anything ;) i hope all were understandabled, and post how you aviod a ban :)
  5. well. i played in fair. i became hero. i made everything in the game. (ofc exclude many things :P) so i got everything. i managed castle, i was hero, got every pet, kill all epic bosses. so... and i left the game. for a years. coz donators, cheaters, etc. now i came back, for a while. and ofc i use l2w. as much as i know. coz. i never get that stuffs as i should own. i killed many player in donated armor, while i used simple ic. i never own rb jews, exclude core :P so. i have bad luck ingame. thats why i use l2w. and there are many donators. is that fair? a donated sutffs?
  6. well i played l2 ownage i always moved to get zariche with this char: ol/destro/pal/th th only for silent move, i want get zariche not kill mobs, and ofc i always used blunt weapon in 6 sub.... well... my opinion... i would never get archer. no way. in a high rate and many cross subbed server all player will use a tank with resist archery buff ofc. and in a fighter char i wotn use bishop. slow castings. with 6 sub i would take... ol/pala/destro/tyrant/th/warlord ol's atk, defence toggle skills, pala a.i.,stun, tol, destro's frenz, guts, zealot, roar, tyrant fist fury, ogre, rabbit totem, myb bishon, th ulti eva, dash, warlord revival. you can change warlord class that is a weak in this set. but if the enemy is fighter you will win ofc. if the enemy is mage, you have to close as soon as you know (dash, rabbit, a.i. example), and if the enemy is archer ofc easy (resist bow by pala, a.i., dash, rabbit, guts, stun, etc...) and ofc use blunt type weapon.
  7. oh old memories :) i could rent a wyvenr about 4-5 years ago, when dragon network was c3 with c4 skills. i was newbie and i liked to fly :D
  8. vesper dual +65535 :D
  9. if you pay a lot, you can get a private jail :P
  10. my own question, it's maps isnt bugged at hot springs? i downloaded hd maps, and its bugged at me :/
  11. and you can hack bakeice protect, and you can find many things on this forum yeah i remember the same, l2w 1.78-1.79
  12. or use l2w, or l2phx. both are good. but if you use a program to help, they would bann you.
  13. make user.ini to inwriteable (sry i dont know this option in english) maybe it ll help, coz l2.exe still use its own files. or if you play by own exe, check an unlimited zoom option. i played dragon network, there was an option in... c4 maybe?
  14. atm as i know there is no dupe exploit. all are fixed, and not posted any new
  15. as i understand you take the deposit window, and try to use it in a long distance. i tested about 2-3 years ago, not worked. using buffer npc in a distance tested on old l2ownage server, about 1-2 year ago aaaand didnt work. hey boy, maybe you are on one of the beginners servers. old tricks and in 90% its fixed
  16. reset password to the email. or try to bruteforce his password.
  17. and why is it good for you? you ll lag too. (and its more difficult than you think)
  18. then make a macro with first line "skill" then second line "use cp button" notce: /setdelay {milisec} dont forget, this info helped me a lot :)
  19. its great share, but i think i made a mistake, coz my walker down find hot spring map :S
  20. why l2net better that l2w?
  21. bump. walker rec script not work. ill try it with phx, later
  22. oog works, ig not work. you have to install an xp or make a virtual machine :S
  23. well, i made many pvp pont by killing my bugged striders. spamming summon striders, and kill them. but it was idiot bug
  24. i tested this on l2 ownage about... one or 2 year ago. ofc not works. plíz try it before you post.
  25. 4 sep, firsst room get the key, last room open the rb room. toi2...............................
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