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Posts posted by Erol

  1. Because some "noobs" make servers and they don't know to fix even the "trade bug".Whitch is the lesson of the story?Stop making server if you aren't ready to protect it from hackers/bugs etc.You save your money and ofc time.

    this case has nothing to do with protection.

    just that this hackin program is (day by day going to be "was") new. this programm work even for top servers at hopzone. Not to mention the next pages.

    same with A H1N1. ofc no one had protection coz was "NEWWWWW".

  2. Erm... I am SysteM and you killed me for no reason (actually reason was cause i was with a healer in pt), well i said he is healer on start of the event (match) and u said nothing. Then he healed himself and you killed me - I was out of the Event for no reason + I didnt get any price, so no i wont participate event anymore cause pff you could just find me another partner or something dont you think ^^ ?

    before event start i said no bishop. and you asked me if you could fight as bishop without healing. I let you fight. But i killed you after you stand up coz of salvation. Same i did with donator who stand up coz of phoenix soul. both sides were trait in same way.

  3. Yeah, its good now, now you have space for farm but too much donators and you need a TvT GM Cause Dev and HGM killed me and MrHame to help other team or something? I just see NINA hited you for 3k, 1,5k etc. :S

    there are only 2 donators. no more.

    Btw about that day on event was mrHame and someone else in party coz was 2vs2 event. MrHame know the reason why i killed him in intention to finish that match coz mrhame got heal by outside. I got no idea who are you in game but if i see ppl fighting with others in middle of event while is not their turn for combat and their job is to sit and wait, hell yeah i can kill/jail for minutes. Rules for flaming/event are very stricked.

  4. Try Left 4 Dead 2. The game just pwns and it's so nice killing zombies and trying to survive!

    ye i played it and nice graphics tho.


    btw i am looking for a game based on army combat. doesn't matter if is USA or Russia. just to be modern (like a war in afganistan etc)not years of WWII. If possible a game where can fight as a normal soldier, later as a tank driver, plane driver, smth like that.

    If anyone know any good one plz post it.


    Also i'm looking for a sniper one, who knows any (exept sniper elite) plz tell me. :D

    Thnx ......

  5. This server is -beep-ing crazy!


    Mob in safe area (I cant farm in PvP zones cause everyone kills +0... pro's) drops 5 Event Medals

    1 Blessed scroll of 95% cost 2k Event Medals.


    My friend gave me 200k MedaLs cause he donated and paff didnt get 1 armor piece on +30 cause its -beep-ing breaking!

    Make it 100%, or people will destroy their keyboards cause of this like me now!

    there is safe adena farm zone

    there is safe medals farm zone

    there are 3 pvp farm zones. which 2 of them are always free.

    We add a new farm zone for medals. Cruma tower. Have so much damn space where everyone can farm without being noticed by someone.

    Believe me 95% is like 100%. mabye bad luck love you so much.

  6. server doesnt have protection rofl

    l2w IG works just fine,bcuz i left the server,also its pretty unbalanced... join if u wanna and see...

    come and try it. Hope you got the correct patch and not playing any other server.

    And ofc with no RB jewls and set armor/jewls +7 what you expect by an AM/DB +25 ??

    Better learn to play all classes in order to prove your words.

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