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Posts posted by Erol

  1. FL Studio or VirtualDj

    will you stop spamming and unding ?

    3 ppl told him for fl studio. You are not more speacial. and wtf in 1 hor 44 posts. Hope for your good that all your work with spamming won't get burn with 1 click.

  2. Ahh so it lasts 3 hours in all servers? it might be different in some, and its good only if you have nobl otherwise ull have to do quest over and over.

    if you change sub and start the quest, it will be cancel to the forward sub. Till you have quest and you can transform to the flying little dragon then just do the exploit (no need quest again).

    Not in all servers last 3 hours. Depend how much is the time of buffs at a server. At mine was 3h so it long 3h.

  3. 1. 2+2*2= ? 100 Euro

    a.  8                                      b. 12

    c.  14                                    d. 6

    2.  Longest day of the year is ? 200 Euro

    a.  First day of spring           b. First day of summer

    c. First day of autumn         d. First day of winter

    3. 47- president of USA is: 300 Euro

    a. Bill Clinton                         b.Gerge Bush

    c. Barak Obama                    d. John Kennedy

    4. Bee is: 500 Euro

    a. Animal                               b. Insect

    c. Poultry                               d. Plant

    5. Directly influence on Flood-Tide and  Ebb-Tide have: 1000 Euro

    a. Moon                                 b. Lean of ground

    c. Coast Heigh                      d. Wind

    6. Residence of OKB is found in: 2000 Euro

    a. New York                           b. Washington

    c. London                               d. Bruxelle

    7. The most incomprehensible thing for world is that it’s comprehensible. Said by: 4000 Euro

    a. Franklin Ruzvelt                 b. Albert Anjshajnt

    c. Bill Gate                               d. Adolf Hitler

    8. Au is chemical sign for: 8000 Euro

    a. Americium                           b. Aluminium

    c. Gold                                      d. Silver

    9. Where tigers live in free: 16000 Euro

    a. Africa                                  b. South America

    c. Asia                                      d. Australia

    10. Most frequently airport in Europe is the one of: 32000 Euro

    a. Berlin                                   b. Madrid

    c. Athens                                 d. Frankfurt

    11. Panofobia is the fear from: 64000 Euro

    a. Ice                                         b. Heights

    c. Mountains                           d. All

    12. Red substance which contain iron and is found on carpusles is called: 125000 Euro

    a. Mioglobin                             b. Hemoglobin

    c. Poliglobin                              d. Anemia

    13. Perl, Python, Ajax, Limbo are: 250000 Euro

    a. Animals                                  b. Football teams

    c. Programming language       d. None

    14. Drama “Romeo and Juliete” was held in: 500000 Euro

    a. Venecie                                 b. Rome

    c. Firence                                  d. Verona

    15. “Iskender” is the ottoman (turkey) version of: 1 milion

    a. Hero                                       b. General

    c. Prince                                     d. Alexander



    Results in 2 days. Hope you like it............ :P


    P.S. Give your answers plz like for example:

    1) a

    2) a

    3) a etc etc. ty :D











  4. This server  !!!!!!!!!! EPIC FAIL !!!!!!!!    [ pvp  high rate and u have to farm ages for items ......  /

    in oly  here come the EPIC SH!T ....... there is not balance ..... players join oly with buffs ......  pladins use the sacrifice then angelic icon bugg ..........  the oly is a holly damn epic  fail in this server ............the skills not working properly ....... the rest is normal ....

    [ server very boring ]

    agree for farm. I haven't tried oly coz i don't join ir without being full.

    Btw this server is not an epic fail. You can see there a big and good job.

  5. im a fan of him too.

    I feel great nostalgy when i hear his songs. Make me remind good times. All songs/singers of '90 years pwnz. '90 songs will never die. M.J. songs will never die.


    My favorite. not for music only, even lyrics pwnz. Totaly statment in real life.


  6. No , mods have too. At least i can ban someone in there.


    But except us (Team) Someone else took ban ability.....


    there is a similar topic but i cant find it.. ;/ i saw it before.

    ye i got it twice. after refresh it goes off. NO idea but ban didn't worked. and ban privi came by an error.

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