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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. why should we subscribe?
  2. `Vaxil


    i mean how much money do i have to pay? btw 786 ptz! :D
  3. αν πιανει θα ειναι εξαιρετικο.
  4. we were talking about Mora.
  5. Άσε άσε... Ένα παιδί από την Αίθουσα μας γάμησε μια στην διπλανή αίθουσα, ενώ ένας άλλος το είδε το έμαθε όλο το σχολείο και έφαγαν 5ήμερη... Στείλ'της μία καρδιά στο facebook και κέρασε την ένα ποτό(επίσης στο facebook) Μην μένεις εκτός εποχής,πλέον από'κει γίνονται όλα! he is right.... i gkomena enos filou mou ton keratone me ton patera tou! :D EPIC!
  6. re paidia ginete na sikoso server interlude se laptop ? Undecided
  7. euxaristo file 8a xreiastw ma8imata apo oti fenete gia na mn akouw kantilia sto [MISC]Ps... btw mporeis na ta anebaseis plz se kapoion allo syndesmo p.x. megauplaod,4shared ktlp?
  8. `Vaxil


    so if they open it? am i going to jail? am i paying something?
  9. I was wondering if there is a way for everyone to forbid 1word posts at Spam Section. Like: lame,idiot,bullshit. Thnx In Advance
  10. made some modifications on the background sharpened the models blurred the background and pasted the models.Remember it is my 2nd ps creation.
  11. ????? i can't understand your egnlish..... anyways no i havent read any guide but tomorrow i am gonna read Morian's guide.
  12. well i know i just did it quickly cause of my idiot mother " Vasili you are dedicated to the computer !" ok i will consider your advice.
  13. well i mean i wish you could critisize the mix of colors etc.
  14. for gods sake you pl are going to make me flame the shit out of me...TELL ME WHY its lame what do i need to correct?
  15. Ok i created another sig/avatar w/e and i would like you to tell your opinion...
  16. ok cut off ya ass cause you DONT KNOW with what ff maniac you messed with.
  17. final fantasy 7 Cloud Strife's quote.Like every difficulty i face i can surpass it.
  18. 1st EVERYONES skills are better than mine. To give ya an idea i just downloaded Ps. 2nd of all i don't get your point man..about the pink pic. ??????
  19. what??? what have i done wrong?
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