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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. The new skins which i found at Heropak_Client. Wanted to share them with you. Malphite Kennen. Heimerdinger. Janna. Personally i like heimerdinger's and Kennen's. I think janna looks like a female worker , who fights for her rights.
  2. So do you think that Shen+Kennen+Akali rape at 3v3 ? Cause i played a games with some friends of mine , and we totally made them anal sex. So what is your opinion about the ultimate tyccon of teh ninjaz ?
  3. loool. ama eisai mpetoblakas den s ftew egw. Esi to arxises karagiozi , moko twra.
  4. HB only if u have married Tifa !
  5. Πραγματικά πόσο κομπλεξικός πρέπει να είσαι για να κριτικάρεις κάθε μου ποστ ; Άντε τράβα κάνε καμία θυσία στον Αλάχ.
  6. Ela sou efera kai fai ! To agapimeno sou ( ka8ws eisai ptino)
  7. She pimped some niggas and then she printed the info in toilet paper ( the paper was used D:)
  8. Our english teacher gave us some info about this guy, i will post them at afternoun.
  9. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 17 mins game... how ksing can Gankplank be?
  10. Ένας φίλος μου έχει αρχίσει ΑΙΟΝ , και μάλλον θα αρχίσω και εγώ σε πριβ σέρβερ. Μινιμουμ σιστεμ ρεκουάιρμεντς ;
  11. what if some guys from a team said that they will play but eventually decide to play l2 instead of lol ?
  12. I dont think you will succeed , rozdex. The fact that some people are unconsious and make us wait 3 hours for them , and finally shit happens , will frustrate you.
  13. if PSC will come at 2 months , i will faking ks Phreak.
  14. IN the new patch they did not say anything about a new map. Neither for pSC :) ( fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu)
  15. Yeah , but with your creditcard/paypal/bank acc. I want paysafecard damn !
  16. i Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate YOU!
  17. for your own and other people's good , i hope that they will add PSC tomorrow.
  18. 1) My brother 2) My brother and mtorrent. 3) My brother mtorrent and what the hell he is downloading. 4) My internet. 5) MxC website.
  19. MALAKES THELW LINK/guide !
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