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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. If a te emo know to play ( AP) we are all faked up.
  2. Εγώ ; Σε παρακαλώ πάρα πολύ. Με θίγεις !
  3. http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/8607/p111210110501.jpg[/img] http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/6523/p1112101106.jpg[/img] mah gar(d)en while anivia's ulti was on.
  4. So we can post our pictures from this year winter ( snow must be included) in order to create a bigger e-penis! POst them here or santa will bring you nothing but shit !
  5. whatever ;p i guess its a matter of taste and as an older "creator" in PS u maybe right.
  6. its made from a mix of different tuts. But i prefer having my own style rather than just copying somoene.
  7. Updated with a blurred background
  8. Oreo an k kapos extreme :P Alla protimw bsk auto p exw twra.
  9. Em may i , your inferior servant ask u why ? I mean how can i improve if u dont tell me what to change ?
  10. Well i dont think i asked u to judge me with A PS master as contraverdict.
  11. well i dont rly care about ppl's opinions :P At least i showed it to my friends and they loved it. But i respect your opinion as being the only one truly supported.
  12. Saying that it saks without giving any clear reasons , is an obvious sign of e-envy. :/
  13. At least i know that somoene isnt jealous of this sig.
  14. hellow thawrz ! Just playing Akali ( from lol) with ds's build inspired me to create this....this....this... MIRACLE ! [/center] what dya think ? Imo focal needs improvement.
  15. Vaxil 30 lvl 553 games played of which i've won 283. akali amumu anivia ashe evelyn ezreal garen jax Kassadin Katarina kayle kennen kog maw lux malphite Master gigi Miss FOrtune poppy ryze shaco sovraka tristana trynda tf veigar vlad ww
  16. Well, we could do that , but if somoene has to be with noxus and the only " Noxian" champ he has is Urgot and he does not know how to play him well enough, that would cause trouble.
  17. OK fellas. I had an idea about a MxC tournament them moment i read dis : Ionia vs Noxus Grudge Match. So, i was thinking , about a tournament in which our community can participate. ( By that i mean , friends , mxc members etc.). Here's the idea. We will make some team that will either represent Noxus or Ionia by selecting champions that belong to these "countries" or have an alliance with these countries. Here it goes. Team 1 Can select champions that are born or even battle for Demacia,Ionia,Freljord and Bandle City. Team 2 Can select champion who belong and fight for these states : Noxus,Zaun,Icathia and Bilgewater. Dates and hours would be ( hopefully) arranged if this idea gets supported. Please, if u wanna participate post you IG name,level,champions purchased and which state u wanna represent. PS: The Matches would be done around christmas when , noone has school or other activities.
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