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Everything posted by egzistas

  1. all i've found so far is { long delayInMilliseconds = delayInMinutes * 60000L; switch (state) { case NONE: // Remove Punishments { switch (_punishLevel) { case CHAT: { _punishLevel = state; stopPunishTask(true); sendPacket(new EtcStatusUpdate(this)); sendMessage("Your Chat ban has been lifted"); break; } case JAIL: { _punishLevel = state; // Open a Html message to inform the player NpcHtmlMessage htmlMsg = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); String jailInfos = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/jail_out.htm"); if (jailInfos != null) htmlMsg.setHtml(jailInfos); else htmlMsg.setHtml("<html><body>You are free for now, respect server rules!</body></html>"); sendPacket(htmlMsg); stopPunishTask(true); teleToLocation(17836, 170178, -3507, true); // Floran break; } } break; } case CHAT: // Chat Ban { // not allow player to escape jail using chat ban if (_punishLevel == PunishLevel.JAIL) break; _punishLevel = state; _punishTimer = 0; sendPacket(new EtcStatusUpdate(this)); // Remove the task if any stopPunishTask(false); if (delayInMinutes > 0) { _punishTimer = delayInMilliseconds; // start the countdown _punishTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new PunishTask(this), _punishTimer); sendMessage("You are chat banned for "+delayInMinutes+" minutes."); } else sendMessage("You have been chat banned"); break; } Any ideas how to change chatban time to 1s ??
  2. no no no I need theese 2 commands to work All i need is to disable CHATBAN system on them
  3. As the title says i need help to disable chatban on . commands because my players are realy annoyed when they deposit theyr adenas and get chatbanned
  4. Hi i tried to make that for pwp/pk kill you can gain fame in L2PcInstance.java i added It don't work. When some1 is killed by some1 dead guy just freezes No pk count/fame increases and no message appears // Give x y for a pK kill { L2PcInstance _player = null; _player.getClan().addReputationScore(10, true); sendMessage("You won Fame for a PK kill!"); after // Add karma to attacker and increase its PK counter setKarma(getKarma() + newKarma); if (target instanceof L2PcInstance && AntiFeedManager.getInstance().check(this, target)) setPkKills(getPkKills() + 1); but it doesn't work Any help? P.s I'm a newbie on java, so please mind that :) Already fixed that Some1 lock this theme :)
  5. maybe need www.l2c4.eu domain ?
  6. I have this error ... 9:54:38 PM :[writing augment logs to file... 9:54:38 PM :[############################# 9:54:38 PM :[ERROR: SCRIPT ERROR: LINE 322 : CALL_EXTERN 9:54:38 PM :[############################# 9:54:38 PM :[############################# 9:54:38 PM :[ERROR: SCRIPT ERROR : ._LOGFNAME does not exist! 9:54:38 PM :[############################# 9:54:38 PM :[############################# 9:54:38 PM :[ERROR: SCRIPT ERROR: LINE 324 : PRINT_TEXT 9:54:38 PM :[############################# 9:54:39 PM :[############################# 9:54:39 PM :[ERROR: SCRIPT ERROR : ._LOGAUG does not exist! 9:54:39 PM :[############################# 9:54:39 PM :[############################# 9:54:39 PM :[ERROR: SCRIPT ERROR: LINE 316 : IF 9:54:39 PM :[############################# 9:54:39 PM :[writing augment logs to file...
  7. how do connect to my acc with this program ?
  8. Chandy Can u make kamael weapons too ???
  9. Thnx re created it everything woks fine Lock the theme
  10. i fixed this stuff by replacing mitrael_armor_mdarkelf.MDarkElf_m006_t1006_u with line from heavy and mitrael_armor_mdarkelf.MDarkElf_m006_t1006_l replacing line from light
  11. thnx Helpen me alot ;)
  12. Put credits noob. Matau, kad tau pofik, kieno čia darbai..
  13. can u share ur armorgrp.dat or only adapted lines ? Because when i tried to adapt that happened ;(
  14. Could any1 write a normal guide how to adapt armors between chronicles because i when i tryed i got it right only for a few races For some races full armors are like with no textures For some other races parts of armors look right but other parts looks like with no textures
  15. well i adapted this armors for epilogue and i got shitloads of bugged stuff robe chest human male fighter Light chest human female mage Robe chest elf male fighter Heavy/light gloves elf male fighter Robe chest elf male mystic Heavy/light gloves elf male mystic light/robe chest d elf male fighter Light/robe chest d elf female fighter Light/robe chest d elf female mystic Robe chest orc male mystic Robe gloves orc male mystic Robe chest orc female mystic Light boots dwarf male fighter light chest kamael male fighter Light chest kamael female fighter All theese armors or parts of it is without textures or i adapted them weong Anyone knows it works normaly or this was my mistakes when adapting stuff ?
  16. Hi i have LineageWeaponsTex.utx file but i need only 2 weapons in it In this file there are all weapons textures but i need only 2 weapons from it I want to remove other stuff because this file is 70mb in .rar file and 70 mb for 2 weapons is way too mutch
  17. some1 fix the link Link is dead
  18. all i have found is if ((double) e.getItemCount() * _amount > Integer.MAX_VALUE) If i change Integer.MAX_VALUE to any number more than 2kkk i got error the litteral 90000000000 of type int is out of range
  19. I'm using l2jserver pack (gracia epilogue) And if i put more adenas then 2kkk +- 100k multisell shows not adenas but short swords or no grade armor boots I need help to put at least 80kkk adenas as price in multisell shop
  20. well with this stuff in server there can be alot of mess Lets say anyone gets angry at me and teleports/clears shortcuts and so on every 10 minutes That would be deadly annoying
  21. Put Credits ! Its not yours, its created by CyBeR
  22. his head looks like glued to the rest of the body xD
  23. it would be abit annoying to change questions evety day
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