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Everything posted by Dev

  1. Εγώ ψήφισα Ανεξάρτητους 'Ελληνες στις προηγούμενες. Τώρα Τσίπρα δαγκωτό + 4 ακόμα ψήφοι σε αυτόν από την οικογένειά μου. 'Οσες περισσότερες μαλακίες λένε τα χειραγωγημένα απο τα 2 μεγάλα κόμματα κανάλια δεν κάνουν σε κανένα πλύση εγκεφάλου και το 25 % θα το πάρει standar σε αυτές αν όχι το 30. Είδαμε και ποιοι ψηφίσαν το ΠΑΣΟΚ - ΝΔ , 60ριδες-ρες στο μεγαλύτερο ποσοστό όμως το μέλλον ανήκει σε εμάς.
  2. to fb stis meres mas(gia akomh mia fora) Tώρα όλοι καταλαβαίνουμε λοιπόν γιατί η Ελλάδα βρίσκεται σε τέτοια κατάσταση. Μας έχουν κάνει οι πολυεθνικές μαριονέτες.
  3. Also some screens from Today's Russian Roulette event. http://i.imgur.com/t0ss5.jpg[/img] http://i.imgur.com/8dKYy.jpg[/img]
  4. Ola ta .gr einai gia ton poutso host. 2on h worldsteam einai akrivh leei 52 E / month ama baleis kai windows pas kateutheian sta 77 euro gia ? 2 GB RAM ? Aisxos. 2 einai oi etairies. H .... kai H .....
  5. Εγέρθετω λέει αυτός είναι πιο αμόρφωτος και απο τον Devon shuashausha
  6. Some screens : http://i.imgur.com/jz6xe.jpg[/img] http://i.imgur.com/J27yP.jpg[/img] http://i.imgur.com/VlTgg.jpg[/img] http://i.imgur.com/gf2fi.jpg[/img]
  7. Thanks, I would like also to mention that the server is up for 2 weeks now and we got the same activity 150 + join us now !!!
  8. Thanks for your nice comments. By the way run your updaters to get the last updates http://l2wargate.com/forum/index.php?topic=1521.0 Cheers
  9. And I answered already. The topic is not stickied it's a normal topic like all others. If someone enters it and spams it then I will report that to a moderator and he will take care of it. More than 50 people replied in this topic with positive & negative opinions. Spam is not allowed on the forum just go and read the rules. If you can't get it go suicide.
  10. I still do not understand the reason you created that topic tho ?
  11. Excuse you my dear. I've been an l2moderator and a staffer for more than half a year and we all know what's happening in L2Private Servers section. Many owners try to disfame other server in order to increase their own server's fame or w/e. The spam reply that was actually been deleted was from a random w/ 0 posts in forum and in karma log you can see that I dekarmad a person for spamming. What should mods do keep the spammers untouched maybe yes ? But then who will create topics.
  12. Any spam replies will be removed or any flames and they should be removed but since the staffers do not have the time to take care of all that private servers that beeing created daily and most of them are home made someone has to report that to them. You created this topic to say what that the forum moderators do their work right and they respect the forum rules ? And of course it's not a stickied topic it's a normal topic like all others.
  13. 140-150 people daily basis and growing, the server is up for 12 days already.
  14. First of all I didn't record that video, check the person who created it and go ask that to him. Last time I see you spamming here. Take care
  15. A new video realised just today by player EpicCriticalError, Enjoy :
  16. Dev

    Apeiro Lag!

    'Αμα μάθενες τρόπους ίσως να μπορούα να σε βοηθήσω.
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