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Everything posted by Dev

  1. Most Accurate Bow Shot Ever
  2. I worked really hard to create some new animations and new weapons from other clients and this idiot criticalerror shared my work. Now it's time for him to get his lesson not to put his tail everywhere.
  3. Τρολλινγκ στο απεριόριστο right ? Εγώ πάλι δεν κατάλαβα το επιχείρημά σου έβγαλε 3 ευρώ ζητώντας από τους γονεί του οκ. So ? Σχόλιο : <<έξοδος από την κρίση>> έστω ότι ο Α δανείζει στο Β ένα Χ ποσό τι σημαίνει δανικό απ: σημαίνει ότι πρέπει κάποια στιγμή να το επιστρέψεις. 2ο συμπέρασμα πάλι έστω οι Α,Β δανείζουν στον Γ αρκεί αυτό για να βγείς από την κρίση ; απ: όχι δεν αρκεί. 'Αρα όλα όσα είπε δεν έχουν καμία αξία. ΥΓ : 'Εχω δώσει οικονομικά πανελλήνιες και έγραψα και πάνω από 90 δεν έχουν καμία σχέση με την κρίση όσα λέει απλά τρολάρει.
  4. Εδώ και 8 χρόνια. Ούτε Ιατρική να ήταν ;D
  5. Παλικάρια .. nough said.
  6. 21 Yes by the momment when we reach 40 I share it.
  7. Είναι ο φίλος σου ο Dav
  8. Βγάζει μια χαρά νόημα η μάνα σου κοίτα πόσο ευχαριστημένη είναι : Η πραγματική όμως απάντηση κρύβεται εδώ
  9. Με τι μυαλό καταλαβαίνεις για να γαμιέσαι ;
  10. Actually your arguments are invalid. That's the whole story : Step 1 Elfocrash created a vote reward system that was buggy and was causing big am -beep-ts of lags and finally your server would get dced if more than 2 people tried to vote at the same time. Step 2 Sold it to many people even if he knew ? it was bugged. Step 3 He gave no refund to anybody and decided to share it freely giving no respect to the people who spent their money to it. Furthermore putting in danger servers that would take and add this shared code to their servers. Step 4 He created a second version of secured vote reward system saying that people who bought the first one would get this updated one in half price (something that never happened). For those who don't know that story it's better not to reply here.
  11. It's about a BUGGED sale. Laughing @ you.
  12. Most of the people don't know programming you scrappy little b itch what the hell you talk about. It goes like that I paid it and I DEMAND it to work correct else if you will be reported and in his case many people got facked by this code.
  13. So you say when I pay for something that is disaster for my server I should shut up right ? Get the fack please..
  14. Completely wrong. This situation is like this example : I buy a car that has got 1 year guarantee for i'ts good quality and this car breaks up after 1 day I bought it because of wrong engineering. Therefore I should get refunded.
  15. Your opinion is correct. But this when you buy something that works PERFECTLY not a bugged code that will be disaster for you. In that case you are off topic my friend.
  16. His behavior is like I took the money you took my code now for any other support or problems go die. This is Elfocrash
  17. You sold something that was a disaster for the servers I speak for the previous reward system and when you've been asked to fix it you didn't give a fack. I don't speak for myself cuz hopefully my team managed to fix it but it could destroy the server if I didn't remove it in time. Except for selling a disaster code there was no refund for this so I guess you should make a good discount to him this will be your refund & sorry for the problems you caused.
  18. Why to buy it when you can have it for free ? His topic : http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=219725.0 Vote,
  19. Ok you disrespect the client mods rules by sharing MY work allright, not my problem.. But now it's time to share this let's see if you like that when it happens to you ;)
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