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Everything posted by HyPeRMon4rcH*

  1. Ευχαριστώ ρε φίλε :D
  2. Analogos ti sevrver :D , an einai kana noobo server bazw kamia blakia oti m erthei p.x Sofatzhs / Katsikas . Ean einai kanas kalos low rate fixed ta perisotera.. bazw to klasiko HyPeRMon4rcH :D
  3. Euxaristw r file :p se prolaba..e dn exw kanei kai kana guide sthn geniki sizitisi sto l2 eipa na kanw ena.. :P Lew na to kanw post kai sto einglish section..
  4. Ise se lathos section re file. Prin postareis se ena section tha diabazei prota tous kanones tou section kai meta tha postareis. Gia help gia botting tha kaneis topic edw --> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=55.0
  5. Geia sas pedia eipa na ftiaksw ena topic gia to pws na ftiakseis ena clan crest / ally crest As Arxisoume : Edw einai kapia crests pou brika sto internet Download link : http://www.mediafire.com/?yofnkmtmetg 1) Anikste ena crest apo afta pou sas edosa p.x Crest name : 23 2) Molis aniksete to crest pigente --> Image <-- Meta Attributes kai balte sto Withd : 8 3) Pigente -> File -> Save as apothiekeuste afto to file me oti name thelete p.x egw bazw 212.bmp kai apothikeusteto se 256 xrwmata 4) Anikste to file kai patiste CTRL+A kai DELETE 5) Meta patiste pali CTRL+A kai patiste CTRL+C 6) Anikste pali 23.bmp (crest apo afto pou sas edosa kai patiste CTRL+V 7) Meta tha emfanistei mia aspri fotografia sto crest Screen : 8) Pigente panw ->aristera patiste sto SELECT kai kante 1 epilogh me to crest kai metafereteto thn epilogh pros aristera.Meta Pigente IMAGE ->ATTRIBUTES kai sto WITHD balte: 16 Screen : http://i46.tinypic.com/fco8ao.jpg[/img] 9)Kante save to file :212.bmp (opos thelete onomasteto apla sto telos balte .bmp p.x mxc.bmp) GL Elpizw na boithisa ;)
  6. Ράδιο Αρβύλα kai oikogeneia vlaptei xD
  7. Why are u spamming? If u cannot see the topic dont post lol.
  8. Ghost Sentinel opws eipan kai parapanw exei poli p attack.. dead eye exei kai hex =4k :p exei kai powerbreak tou katebazei to p atk dn skaei tpt... Pio Powerful gia mena ine o gs
  9. Tha paw na to dokimasw se ligo kai tha sou pw ama pianei i ama dn pianei.......Elpizw na pianei e..
  10. Usually i play Adventure / Dagger Coz i think he is more powerful than other classes he has special skills like lethal , backstub ...
  11. Oxi vevea. 1)Mporei na einai diskolo to farm 2)Ean anebazoun kai high stats..gtp xalane ton server.. C4 Armors / Weaps 4ever
  12. Very nice share Violator.Fhotos + Credits ;).Einai kai helpful gia aftous p dn kseroun ti dyes na baloun..
  13. WTF? Wrong Section.Sta exploits brikes na kaneis topic gia na psakseis server?PRIN POSTAREIS DIABASE TOUS KANONES TOU KATHE SECTION
  14. Yeap,for css / cs 1.6 or / cz is? Just tell and fix ur Tag
  15. I add u in msn,just contact me there :D
  16. Nice share xTheViolator :D synexise etsi re file ;)
  18. Logika tha kaneis kati lathos ,prepei prota na anoikseis cheatengine kai meta na breis to l2 na to open apo cheatengine
  19. Esy dialegeis re file p.x exeis daggera kai thes na baleis zwh bazeis CoN.Ean dn ksereis ta stats click edw http://lineage.pmfun.com/list/tattoo
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