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Everything posted by sember

  1. Hey there, Is anyone else can help to figure out how to use "original" untouched Interlude system (making minimal change) to use on private server? Thanks
  2. Why do I need to replace *dat files if I need the original game? Could you please help me figure out what I should replace except server IP to use this original system on win 10? Here is a link to system: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jf66X35nq2LUwPOAgoBmr-5vOeBqbFw8/view?usp=sharing Thanks in advance
  3. The question is - what is the minimum of files I have to modify/copy from the system you've shared above to the EU OFF Interlude client to make it work without a full system replacement?
  4. Hi folks, I'm wondering if it's possible to use Interlude client System folder without modifications for my home/private server? I don't want to modify standard gameplay and I can change IP in hosts if necessary. If that is not realistic please describe why and give me some ideas/links on how I can minimally modify client to use it "as is" (maybe some GG killers, etc). P.S. I tried to copy core.dll, engine.dll, nwindow.dll from the shared/modified system folders (from this forum) but it didn't help as client cannot start for some reason (sometimes without error). Thanks
  5. Stop this fkin advertising of Wix! I just see these messages on many sites. Please ban this people and delete topic :-\
  6. Hello all! O0 I'm finded nice screenshot at google. Im use L2jfrozen pack, and event CTF haven't any of this "beutiful" features. (Only a monster weapon instead of real Flag) Maybe any of people here, seen the "Flag" weapon for CTF? I very need it!!( Please help me find any of this ctf Items/NPC for Interlude. Thaaaaanks! :)
  7. founded english description: http://web1337.tk/viewtopic.php?f=107&t=3475 Im not a author, find this topic on Ragezone. Very useful serverpack. bad looking))
  8. Sorry for some deadlinks at first post, i can't repair my post. Compiled server (MediaFire) Database dump (MediaFire) Source (RGhost) Client patch Author Release Topic (RU) If any link are broken, find normal links at Support Forum: http://web1337.tk/viewforum.php?f=107
  9. TheGrand L2J. Based on L2JFrozen. Works lasted more than two years. I want to introduce you to a full assembly Lineage 2 Interlude, which was our server for more than 2 years. During this time, the source server suffered numerous changes as merely cosmetic, and the most global. GameServer_screen Modifications: - chat-bots, fake PM chat, AKA DummyChat (config in /addons/fmom.ini) - PMHook (gameserver logs all PM chat + RU text support) - Some DotA Commands (maybe its funny) - NpcWalkers + NpcToPC Polymorph (npc have skin & run like real players) - RebornCorpse script (special auto-mobs respawn in Dragon Valley) - Adena to Coin Skill (skill with nice effect) - DescJa Fake Players (modified) - Online Real-time Logs (show online count if anybody logs in game) - Automated Restart Mod (config in /addons/fmom.ini) - XP ON/OF command (config in /addons/fmom.ini) - OfflineTrade (modified) Database: - Fixed over 80% of data, like official PTS Interlude. - Many skills fixes and reworks. - And more other! Full description on russian you can find here. This is the final and only release of our assembly. More I return to it is not going, so expect anything else is needed. The assembly will be maintained on our forum for any questions of her work, modifications and configurations. Compiled server is fully configured and ready to use. Configured for a description of the server (read in navigation). In fact I am a "live server". Pluses: The assembly is optimized for online until 2000, provided that your machine can handle it physically. Minuses: Haven't GEODATA. But the engine is present, which means that it can be easily connected, having left the machine's resources. Links: Compiled server or RGhost Database dump or RGhost Source or RGhost Client patch or 0db Author Release Topic (RU) Thanks for using.
  10. Hi to all. I need help! I tried to do this custom hero glow: this manual - http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=36795 that would not affect the standart light of weapons (env.int), as done with env.int, I know. but it is not, what i need... but very did not understand how to((((( Please, explain how to do it? THX!
  11. author, can u share any glows? i need blue glow (2 on your scrn'ts). or please, say to me: how to right create texture for glows?
  12. megaupload is died. 4shared link died. what i have to do? please update links, anybody! (if have)
  13. I know how to programing, but I'm not good know in the structure of the lineage 2 java code, I need that would me someone came upon the right path. Please help, anybody(
  14. [quoteFrom C4 to IL it's net.sf.l2j, not com.l2jserver Use ctrl+shift+O to correct imports... i know it, thx. i dont know what a class 'L2GameClient' in l2jc4, src dont have it! i try use: 'ClientThread', but i dont know right it or now.. (and have many errors in compile) import com.l2jserver.gameserver.ClientThread; // L2GameClient import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.L2GameClient.GameClientState; // ? what to do?
  15. hello guys. Please help me to adapt some parts of code, from Interlude server packs to L2jC4. Here is this patch: package com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import net.sf.l2j.Config; import net.sf.l2j.L2DatabaseFactory; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.LoginServerThread; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2ManufactureItem; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2ManufactureList; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2World; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.TradeList.TradeItem; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.ClientThread; // ???? WHERE this in L2jC4?? import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.L2GameClient.GameClientState; // Again??? public class OfflineTradersTable { private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(OfflineTradersTable.class.getName()); //SQL DEFINITIONS private static final String SAVE_OFFLINE_STATUS = "INSERT INTO character_offline_trade (`charId`,`time`,`type`,`title`) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"; private static final String SAVE_ITEMS = "INSERT INTO character_offline_trade_items (`charId`,`item`,`count`,`price`) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"; private static final String CLEAR_OFFLINE_TABLE = "DELETE FROM character_offline_trade"; private static final String CLEAR_OFFLINE_TABLE_ITEMS = "DELETE FROM character_offline_trade_items"; private static final String LOAD_OFFLINE_STATUS = "SELECT * FROM character_offline_trade"; private static final String LOAD_OFFLINE_ITEMS = "SELECT * FROM character_offline_trade_items WHERE charId = ?"; public static void storeOffliners() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement stm = con.prepareStatement(CLEAR_OFFLINE_TABLE); stm.execute(); stm.close(); stm = con.prepareStatement(CLEAR_OFFLINE_TABLE_ITEMS); stm.execute(); stm.close(); con.setAutoCommit(false); // avoid halfway done stm = con.prepareStatement(SAVE_OFFLINE_STATUS); PreparedStatement stm_items = con.prepareStatement(SAVE_ITEMS); //TextBuilder items = TextBuilder.newInstance(); for (L2PcInstance pc : L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().values()) { try { if ((pc.getPrivateStoreType() != L2PcInstance.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE) && (pc.getClient() == null || pc.getClient().isDetached())) { stm.setInt(1, pc.getObjectId()); //Char Id stm.setLong(2, pc.getOfflineStartTime()); stm.setInt(3, pc.getPrivateStoreType()); //store type String title = null; switch (pc.getPrivateStoreType()) { case L2PcInstance.STORE_PRIVATE_BUY: if (!Config.OFFLINE_TRADE_ENABLE) continue; title = pc.getBuyList().getTitle(); for (TradeItem i : pc.getBuyList().getItems()) { stm_items.setInt(1, pc.getObjectId()); stm_items.setInt(2, i.getItem().getItemId()); stm_items.setLong(3, i.getCount()); stm_items.setLong(4, i.getPrice()); stm_items.executeUpdate(); stm_items.clearParameters(); } break; case L2PcInstance.STORE_PRIVATE_SELL: case L2PcInstance.STORE_PRIVATE_PACKAGE_SELL: if (!Config.OFFLINE_TRADE_ENABLE) continue; title = pc.getSellList().getTitle(); for (TradeItem i : pc.getSellList().getItems()) { stm_items.setInt(1, pc.getObjectId()); stm_items.setInt(2, i.getObjectId()); stm_items.setLong(3, i.getCount()); stm_items.setLong(4, i.getPrice()); stm_items.executeUpdate(); stm_items.clearParameters(); } break; case L2PcInstance.STORE_PRIVATE_MANUFACTURE: if (!Config.OFFLINE_CRAFT_ENABLE) continue; title = pc.getCreateList().getStoreName(); for (L2ManufactureItem i : pc.getCreateList().getList()) { stm_items.setInt(1, pc.getObjectId()); stm_items.setInt(2, i.getRecipeId()); stm_items.setLong(3, 0); stm_items.setLong(4, i.getCost()); stm_items.executeUpdate(); stm_items.clearParameters(); } } stm.setString(4, title); stm.executeUpdate(); stm.clearParameters(); con.commit(); // flush } } catch (Exception e) { _log.log(Level.WARNING, "OfflineTradersTable[storeTradeItems()]: Error while saving offline trader: " + pc.getObjectId() + " " + e, e); } } stm.close(); stm_items.close(); _log.info("Offline traders stored."); } catch (Exception e) { _log.log(Level.WARNING,"OfflineTradersTable[storeTradeItems()]: Error while saving offline traders: " + e,e); } finally { try { con.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } public static void restoreOfflineTraders() { _log.info("Loading offline traders..."); Connection con = null; int nTraders = 0; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement stm = con.prepareStatement(LOAD_OFFLINE_STATUS); ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { long time = rs.getLong("time"); if (Config.OFFLINE_MAX_DAYS > 0) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTimeInMillis(time); cal.roll(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, Config.OFFLINE_MAX_DAYS); if (cal.getTimeInMillis() <= System.currentTimeMillis()) continue; } int type = rs.getInt("type"); if (type == L2PcInstance.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE) continue; L2PcInstance player = null; try { L2GameClient client = new L2GameClient(null); client.setDetached(true); player = L2PcInstance.load(rs.getInt("charId")); client.setActiveChar(player); client.setAccountName(player.getAccountNamePlayer()); client.setState(GameClientState.IN_GAME); player.setClient(client); player.setOfflineStartTime(time); player.spawnMe(player.getX(), player.getY(), player.getZ()); LoginServerThread.getInstance().addGameServerLogin(player.getAccountName(), client); PreparedStatement stm_items = con.prepareStatement(LOAD_OFFLINE_ITEMS); stm_items.setInt(1, player.getObjectId()); ResultSet items = stm_items.executeQuery(); switch (type) { case L2PcInstance.STORE_PRIVATE_BUY: while (items.next()) { player.getBuyList().addItemByItemId(items.getInt(2), items.getLong(3), items.getLong(4)); } player.getBuyList().setTitle(rs.getString("title")); break; case L2PcInstance.STORE_PRIVATE_SELL: case L2PcInstance.STORE_PRIVATE_PACKAGE_SELL: while (items.next()) { player.getSellList().addItem(items.getInt(2), items.getLong(3), items.getLong(4)); } player.getSellList().setTitle(rs.getString("title")); player.getSellList().setPackaged(type == L2PcInstance.STORE_PRIVATE_PACKAGE_SELL); break; case L2PcInstance.STORE_PRIVATE_MANUFACTURE: L2ManufactureList createList = new L2ManufactureList(); while (items.next()) { createList.add(new L2ManufactureItem(items.getInt(2), items.getLong(4))); } player.setCreateList(createList); player.getCreateList().setStoreName(rs.getString("title")); break; } items.close(); stm_items.close(); player.sitDown(); if (Config.OFFLINE_SET_NAME_COLOR) player.getAppearance().setNameColor(Config.OFFLINE_NAME_COLOR); player.setPrivateStoreType(type); player.setOnlineStatus(true); player.restoreEffects(); player.broadcastUserInfo(); nTraders++; } catch (Exception e) { _log.log(Level.WARNING, "OfflineTradersTable[loadOffliners()]: Error loading trader: ",e); if (player != null) player.logout(); } } rs.close(); stm.close(); _log.info("Loaded: " +nTraders+ " offline trader(s)"); stm = con.prepareStatement(CLEAR_OFFLINE_TABLE); stm.execute(); stm.close(); stm = con.prepareStatement(CLEAR_OFFLINE_TABLE_ITEMS); stm.execute(); stm.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.log(Level.WARNING, "OfflineTradersTable[loadOffliners()]: Error while loading offline traders: ",e); } finally { try { con.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } L2jC4 dont have some classes: import com.l2jserver.gameserver.ClientThread; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.L2GameClient.GameClientState; And i dont know where i can find it...( Or how can I rewrite the code that he worked in L2jC4??? Please help!!! Thx anyway.
  16. Hello boys. I found on the Internet server from l2jvn r187, and put it my pc). then found c4 patched system (protocol 660), and i try to run server, and login in game. GameServer gave me an error: "session key is not correct. closing connection" in the server.properties, i have this pic: MinProtocolRevision = 557 MaxProtocolRevision = 999 everything seems to be correct? I do not know what to do, but I think, i am need to find the patch a bit earlier, for example (656). Help me pls. Sorry for my bad english. ??? ???
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