TheGrand L2J. Based on L2JFrozen. Works lasted more than two years.
I want to introduce you to a full assembly Lineage 2 Interlude, which was our server for more than 2 years. During this time, the source server suffered numerous changes as merely cosmetic, and the most global.
- chat-bots, fake PM chat, AKA DummyChat (config in /addons/fmom.ini)
- PMHook (gameserver logs all PM chat + RU text support)
- Some DotA Commands (maybe its funny)
- NpcWalkers + NpcToPC Polymorph (npc have skin & run like real players)
- RebornCorpse script (special auto-mobs respawn in Dragon Valley)
- Adena to Coin Skill (skill with nice effect)
- DescJa Fake Players (modified)
- Online Real-time Logs (show online count if anybody logs in game)
- Automated Restart Mod (config in /addons/fmom.ini)
- XP ON/OF command (config in /addons/fmom.ini)
- OfflineTrade (modified)
- Fixed over 80% of data, like official PTS Interlude.
- Many skills fixes and reworks.
- And more other!
Full description on russian you can find here.
This is the final and only release of our assembly. More I return to it is not going, so expect anything else is needed. The assembly will be maintained on our forum for any questions of her work, modifications and configurations.
Compiled server is fully configured and ready to use. Configured for a description of the server (read in navigation). In fact I am a "live server".
Pluses: The assembly is optimized for online until 2000, provided that your machine can handle it physically.
Minuses: Haven't GEODATA. But the engine is present, which means that it can be easily connected, having left the machine's resources.
Compiled server or RGhost
Database dump or RGhost
Source or RGhost
Client patch or 0db
Author Release Topic (RU)
Thanks for using.