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Everything posted by ˚°▫•Eмiизм●▫°˚™

  1. Pedia exw ena server otan kanw rr server febgun apo to spawn ta npc (custom)kai leei stin db den borese na ta diavasi
  2. test on l2mafia k work den aksizei karma? +1 karma
  3. egw to pira ine gg.ama den katalavenis oti ine basismenosto data base installer ti na pw egw rwta ton x-rayl "_
  4. egw to agorasa,Ty rayl piani(senan noobako to dokimasa de lew name server na min me lene mlkies :)
  5. yea it works very good work man ... keep sharing secrets
  6. some od them don't work :( :( :(
  7. me 2 but noone believe everybody tell me fucking (sorry) donator ... and i gave only 2.5k eyro (tiranous you know my name(real name and in mafia ) don't tell it)
  8. char name ??? if i know him i give 5 nobles char on elite and db+24 focus e.light full e.robe full +3 zaken +10 elite earing +8 baium ring +9 Qa and +7 valakas neclace but name ????
  9. yes, with zombies the best is resident evil, i agree ^^
  10. apo filo egw epishs mia dior8wsh to hopezone einai hopzone (xwris e)
  11. i play farmvile and it's good
  12. if somebody find it tell it and to me :P
  13. ade twra stamata na kaneis thn papia
  14. loipwn guys vrika ena site pou einai Web-Browser kai mporeite na ton xreisimopoihsete me diafores photos kai diafora 8emata opws eseis ton 8elete edw einai o web browser Tattoodle ena eyxaristw arkei :P
  15. i like aden and i know it is best of all
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