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Everything posted by TexasHomie

  1. seems that im the only one who get page not found, also i cant do any update with the epilogue client :s well thanks closed.
  2. Someone knows whats going on ? the website is down from like 4 days or more. Share your infos please.
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=114153.0 check my last reply. closed.
  4. Topic locked. PM for unlock when you find a new Host.
  5. NPC Id : 31228 have fun.
  6. locked till opening, pm to a mod to unlock!
  7. server prewievs are not allowed, pm the staff members to unlock when live. locked.
  8. same as this one => http://www.l2-newage.tk/ closed, user warned.
  9. you got some minutes to edit the topic following the section rules here => http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=46356.0 If not, the topic will be binned.
  10. GoDofAdeN PM'ed me saying will be UP tonight. from the PM : "im programming to put a forum-like interface, so ppl can interact with other users, share they own links, etc".
  11. just warned, if he dont remove or resize it till tomorrow, someone ban him.
  12. Thanks for your great Job reporters !
  13. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=116092.msg822013#msg822013
  14. What about this *Vazelos* ? *Vazelos* (+10/-3) Gozilla (+1/-1) - -1 eXxX® abuse ftw well, I have to say something to you and to all persons (exept the staff) that are doing this : YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO "MINIMOD" OTHER USERS. Do you understand what that mean ? If not, here you go : In this forum exist Various Moderators to do this job, and you (and other VIP's) are NOT allowed to do those "minimods", cuz is the moderator JOB ! I hope you understand me, and for this reason you are warned from me, next time you do something wrong its ban for 1 week. THANK you for the attention. locked & Goodnight.
  15. you mean eXxX® ? If yes, explain why I should ban Him and where are the abuses. thanks. (you can reply here or pm me.)
  16. locked.
  17. thank you ppl, very nice signs :) tomorrow I'll lock it, so if you have something more to post, do it :D
  18. locked, the threadstarted PM me or any other mod to unlock when the links are ready. thank you.
  19. free theme, no prize, cuz isnt a competition. If you see the 1st topic i said : If someone can be so GENTLE. ;)
  20. The title says Pretty all. who will be so gentle to provide me a cool and unique Signature ? The colors i like more are : Grey, Cyan, Green and Black. thank you.
  21. +1
  22. Karakan, Im sorry but you aren't allowed to doublepost (even for bumping). thanks and take care.
  23. doublepost again or edit again the title of this topic or create similar topics to this one will be -1 karma for you. title fixed.
  24. Section Rules => http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=46356.0 Title fixed.
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