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Posts posted by hmzzz

  1. Don't try to make me look like "Mr.Smart Ass" and don't fight with me, bcs you will fail.


    Anyway, "His shop, his rules.". He wanted 200, he did 200, so asking for reducin' post limit is useless. If you still don't get me, well.. that's your problem. End of story :)


    Anyway, shop looks like that:



    Thanks now with my 104 posts i saw this GREAT FUCKING SHIT that he wan't 200 post for it and i can say it is so sux dude .. :D Even super mario can do bether -_-
  2. Now with those files the world will end of god priv servers.. for sure i don't like the god client.. It maked all the classes so weak instead of the tanks.. Now they are not just undead.. Now they have much more dmg and they are still undead.. Trust me u can't kill tank in GOD :) And why the fuck i have to chose form 7 classes insead of 3 of any fighter/mage race lol ;x

  3. pm you for what?

    or you just want admin to know ur IG name in case..............

    Whole day im talking with him so he know my nick IG.. + we talk on skype, here and in fb for the server issues..  U can just pm me if u need some silver coins lol i got 100 milions of them.. Just wanted to help some new pplz but ok asshole fuck u ..

    Kinda bad server, or atleast daggers are big fails here! Max evasion 190 which you have even without gear on..

    well it's hard to play ,,without gear'' here cuz they are free from the beginning lol.. Why don't u both go in l2off with the pro stats and be pk'ed by the admin :)
  4. Im currently playing in the open beta and i can say the server is great :) Solo rb, nice looking gears, fare pvp even when im archer and im doing pvp with tank i still got the chance to win and kill him.. Just the think with the hard farm.. 1 mob drop 20 silver and i needed 3 milions for my set on + max and full atribute :D The wep is hard to get allso but np xD Pm: ChaosDynsaty

  5. Omg.. Killurself dude.. Why the fuck do u need p atk on dager class!?!?!??!?!?!?!? Dagger is not on autoattack it's on skills lol u need dex not str.. ;xx And fuck those dual dagers.. U can NEVER hit backstab with them.. They use it FOR FARM ONLY. And just becouse the new skill have 20% lethal ON MOB! on player it's 1%.. + u won't even think to get stab with duals.. there is no chance u hit dmg on skills with them.. Use single dager.. and for god sake stop playing dager on p atk PLAY IT ON DEX, ATK  SPD, HP, ARMOR, M.DEF!

  6. Heya :) Im bit new here so :D My skype is lear29 and fb : Не Сте Ми Приятели If anyone want to play some l2 just add me :P  :forever alone like a boss: btw im serching for server anyone have suggestions?

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