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Posts posted by hmzzz

  1. So lol.. I am playing female soul hound full on mage.. And then WTF!? Some old player elf tank (hero) with raid jews ++ comes and i hit him for 19k on COD ftw!? :D On the top of that with rapier i give him 24k with cane + empower i give him 19k wtf :D

  2. Hello,

    I'm 19 old and I live in Bulgaria.I speak two languages :



    I've been HGM/GM/EGM.


    *What I'm Looking for:

    - Serious project!

    - Interlude Server!

    - H5 Server!


    *What I can do for server:

    - Creating SMF Forum.

    - Help players out of their problem.

    - Find buggs and report them.

    - Give events.



    *Why should you chose me:

    - I'm an experienced GM.

    - I'm not like the onther GM's which helping their friends and give them items'.

    - If you lookin for a guy to not worry about , here I'm.

    - If you lookin for a guy that will work as hard as he can ? here I'm.

    - Online time : 4-6 hours a day.


    *What I expect from you:

    - Experience community and staff.

    - A team that takes the server seriously.



    *Contact Info

    *MSN: serahine@mail.bg

    *Skype: lear29



    You can contact me on Skype, MSN or just leave a message here.  :-beep- yeah:

  3. pff not even worth it.. The last c/p server like this was online for 2 days till there was 200 ppls of each faction and we all maked S++ and boss jews for like 1 night in party with some bp's..... The second day there were 11 peoples + me o.0 Still have to play here for 1 night, start evrythink from the total zero and then after 2 days evrythink will disaphear :D

  4. The first day it was awesome.. 200+ online and 100 of each faction but on the second night we were 10 online both factions wtf... it was soo good pvp (5 healers 10 archers 10 dagers and rule the whole map) but wtf happend?? Java wipe their shit server witch is so unbalanced and evry one goes there .. -_-

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