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Posts posted by hmzzz

  1. Fucking retarded peoples playing with dual dagers and P. atk.. For god sake u don't fucking need p atk on dager!!!! U need SINGLE DAGER NOT DUAL DAGERS! U will never hit a good skill or stab with those shitty duals, u need DEX not str.. +4 con -4 str, +4 dex -4 str for god sake -_- Dager class play on SKILLS and DEFENSE! Must use g.shild, no bers, no dance of bers !!! -_- That's why I don't play dagers anymore.. Fucking stupid dual dagers ruined the whole game lololol

  2. Duel might auguament i think for pvp dmg, dark attribute ofcourse cuz all his skills are on dark + he have active buff dark wep for more dark atack, disarm + chance, mass disarm + chance and all the curses, debuffs on chance and the dmg skills on dark damage or duel (if u don't have the both options then chance or power) :)

  3. Our main target to make Lineage2 more interesting to play,

    to achieve that we are remaking/enchanting all aspects of classes: stats, skills, formulas, equipment to make all classes pvpable and fun to play.

    Current stage of the server is nearly BETA at this point we need you to help us to form best community around, to do that join our forums!



    Lineage2 High Five (H5)



    Starting level - 80.

    You can get EXP/SP by killing monsters/raids/sqads or by joining instances.






    In near future this topic will be updated :)

    Yea and u ban me from ur noob forum : Hmzzz :D HUSKAR NOOB :D
  4. nice freya balance :) Up to dynasty ( I think the max shoud be vesper but np) and no elegia shit's that makes tanks and duelist so OP.. They were bugged before and now they can't be stopped in freya/h5.. Srsly... Have u even seen someone to kill tank?? I didn't see this in my whole life after freya+.. :D So yea i like this S/dynasty :)

  5. Please get serious, if possible at least guys.


    Its an OPEN BETA SERVER, you will soon get everything for free, enchants, weapons armors accessories vote agathion etc.


    Those items are going to get deleted on the live server. Don't ask why :P



    Tommorow I'll make a dagger class char (I like human dagger class, adventurer) and show you that you are wrong !!! ;)


    PS: About skype, we just talked via normal chat once and tried to help me with something about our website and I appreciate it!

    PS2: Do not forget FARMING SKILL that exists on all classes of l2chaosiod!

    (PS3): Do not forget about the new advanced farming area I'm going to create and the already existing chaotic grandbosses!!!

    I don't think so .. I farmed alone my custom armor/wep and solo the rb's for jews.. It took me 6 hours for custom +30 full and full atribute then you decide to give me  100 milions silver coins .. :D But you did it after I get evrythink alone witch is like 10 milions just for the armor and wep +30.. jews took me 4 milions and full atr set and wep took me like 5 milions.. The auguament took me 2 millions allso..

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