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Everything posted by XManton

  1. DragonHunter the "Advanced cracker" I Believe you went too fast in order to gain money ;D. First your protection will be cracked in 1 second. You must have a server verification for this, Else you can just replace your system folder like the others said. And why do you make it a standalone program like macdonald said? Makes no sense. Make a dll and attach it to l2.exe then make the game client require this dll to communicate with server. You can try this: 1) Make your module change the blowfish key in engine.dll @ DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH ( Easy to bypass by remove module and change blowfish to current one, but that is how nophx by fyyre does it ) 2) Step 1 + Make a connection between the client module and server, Server send like a "ping" to the client, If the client + ( module ) not give any answer the socket will be disconnected etc. It exist many ways to do this, One way is to use gameguard querys. ( Harder to bypass ) Good luck :) ps, loled hard to this part ::). tip: Lock Process Get system default LCID and compare Maybe file system checksums checks downloaded from a server Check for bounded ip's etc Many more ways, But search for window text for 1euro each string and searching for running .dll files is just noobish idea and you know that.
  2. Just make same blue background then place it top center and it will work out fine.
  3. I don't say wow or cs is a minor subject at all, All I say is that maxcheaters offer Cheating Forum and Game Server for Lineage II. You get my point?
  4. Why add cs and wow characters? Maxcheaters offer an Cheating Forum and Game Server ( Lineage II ) Not anything else, If you want to add characters because of sections inside the forum then add characters for like. Call Of Duty Counter-Strike World Of Warcraft Battlefield 2 Battlefield 2142 Quake 4 Medal Of Honor Aion MU Online GuildWars etc ^^ Makes no sense, Don't add section things to the picture, This is my opinion.
  5. maxcheaters do not have any CS, WoW Server. Only Lineage II. It is not about sections it is about what maxcheaters offers, In this case Cheating Forum and Lineage II Server.
  6. i7 CPU have other instruction, So it can be problems. L2server is compiled for xeon/opteron. Those 2 processors are what l2server has been optimized for, Works on core 2 duo to.
  7. Normal donation: Level 80 character : 25 Euro
  8. Sorry but this was probably the ugliest thing I ever seen in my entire life. i add this is it better? i add this is it better? i add this is it better?
  9. My friend made this one, Not finished.
  10. Look: L2Phx/halpex is not a super hacking, make items, super character.. program like everyone things. It is a simple packet receiver and sender like l2 client itself, But it has the ability to modify packets from client -> server. So the modify packets is just useless if the server itself patched the leaks.
  11. ngz-server.de are cool, One time upgrades and -50% payment after 12 months.
  12. SSQ Setup. //ssq cyclemode default 0.5 //ssq event_period 2010/03/12 18:00:00 2010/03/19 18:00:00 //ssq seal_period 2010/03/19 18:15:00 2010/03/26 18:00:00 Olympiad Setup //olympiad start_time year month day hour min //olympiad term (how long period in seconds before nominate heroes) Be sure your nominate heroes procedure are correct. Good luck.
  13. Attach to running process ::)
  14. vote vote :)
  15. Vote vote vote, Last day 1k Online.
  16. All I can say, Trust Fr3DBr. He is a very good developer. Sticky it.
  17. You talk shit, You don't have the latest dll cracked. Bye.
  18. stupid dude, You need a key to run dvamp dll's anyway.
  19. voted.
  20. Voted.
  21. I have join a few servers and 3 dupes have worked. Here are a few fixes like Html, Pet dupe, Warehouse deposit dupe. Check out these opcodes ( Interlude ) First make an check bool named bSendPacket = true in the top of your Incoming Packet Hook, If trade found in any of these functions you will return false to block the current packet ( bSendPacket will be false ) then return this result in your incoming packet hook. 0x21: bSendPacket = HtmlCMD( pSocket ); 0x8C: bSendPacket = CheckPet( pSocket ); 0x8B: bSendPacket = CheckPet( pSocket ); 0x31: bSendPacket = DepositItem( pSocket, &RecvPacket[ 1 ] ); Then deal with these packets, many of these dupes have to trade. So, these packets have to check if player are in trade when send this sort of opcodes. So if we are to check if a user is in the trade and be able to close the trade, we must check offsets of these functions located in User class. Normal PTS offsets, Get a function list and find the offsets for them. bool User::IsNowTrade() = 0x80F840 User::TradeCancel() = 0x80F370 Now let us look at the function we call when send html command ( opcode 0x21) bool HtmlCMD(CSocket *pSocket) { //First get pointer to User located in the Socket class ( user ). User *pUser = pSocket->user; //Next we will do the check for trade. if (pUser->IsNowTrade()) { //Cancel the trade. pUser->TradeCancel(); return false; } // We will also check the StopType so we are not moving ( state 2 ) if (pUser->SD->nStopType == 2) { return false; } // All went ok. return true; } Now let us look at the function we call when take items from pet ( opcode 0x8C ) or give items to pet ( opcode 0x8B ) bool CheckPet(CSocket *pSocket) { //First get pointer to User located in the Socket class ( user ). User *pUser = pSocket->user; //Next we will do the check for trade. if (pUser->IsNowTrade()) { //Cancel the trade. pUser->TradeCancel(); return false; } // All went ok. return true; } Note: You can also check the item amount is less then 0 or greater then max amount of 2000000000 inside this function. Now let us look at the function we call when try find duplicated item ID's when Deposit Items to WH( opcode 0x31 ) bool DepositItem( CSocket *pSocket, u8 *packet ) { u32 pCounter = *(u32*)packet; u32* pData = (u32*)&packet[ 4 ]; // Loop the amount first time. for (u32 x = 0; x < pCounter; x++) { // Take out the first object. u32 pItemID1 = pData[x * 2]; // Loop the amount second time. for(u32 t = 0; t < pCounter; t++) { if( x != t ) { // Take out the second object. u32 pItemID2 = pData[t * 2]; //We found same ID then return false on this. if(pItemID1 == pItemID2) return false; } } } // All went ok, no duplicated items found. return true; } I hope you got a picture of how the patching of dupes are made by using incoming opcodes, If anyone has a problem with a dupe, write here so we can help each other to solve it. This was a simple review of how it works. If you have any questions about this, Feel free to contact me. Good luck all L2OFF users!!. Have a great weekend. -Manton
  22. bad boy, Funny that you say fail server before it even started :)
  23. Join L2Mxc Instead :)
  24. Hm, very unusual to find answer from you on these sort of threads :-* Cheers.
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