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Everything posted by Megasus
I just wish Blizzard doesnt nerf rogues. But the biggest phenomenon about wow cataclysm is that the OP TBC-Paladin is coming back :o >:( :(
To lvl up as a hunter( I hate hunters ) just pick up whatever weapon you find better than yours and xp. on lvl 80 play with a bow its got more dps and most of the hunter weapons that blizzard designs are bows. 8) ;)
Omg you dont need to have a guide to roll a paladin...you just spec retribution and you enter as a tank in instances with a 1hander and shield until lvl 60. after than you enter as dps but the quests are fine to maintain the speed of the xp process. get it? TOTALLY EASY. But I warn you the paladin on lvl 80 is the most boring class. He is limited by cooldowns which means that when your abilities are on cooldown you can't do ANYTHING... i suggest you to just roll a warrior...awesomely FUN...but you will be not satisfied until you hit lvl 60...thats when the fun comes...think about it. :D ;)
What server are you on? I wana pvp you. :D
I absolutely agree with you Noble.I myself am a pre-tbc player and have played tons of characters(i recently started again after 8 months). Warrior on low lvl gear were a complete fail but when they get good gear they are totally OP and Blizzard is forced to nerf Warrior AGAIN after COUNTLESS times.In my opinion the game right now is pretty balanced now on patch 3.3.5 but there are some dead specs in the game(fire mage,demo warlock on pve,feral dps,BM hunter). I am very afraid on how cataclysm will be. Druid are becoming non-pve class, mages are being nerfed,we have no idea about how hunters are going to be with focus, priest is becoming more and more IMBA, we dont know how the rogue is going to be with the removal of the auto attack burst and making his abilities the main source of his damage burst, warlock is still going to be the best damage dealer on raids. I'm afraid we will witness the nightmare of the IMBA Paladin similar when TBC launched. I hope Blizzard doesn't nerf rogues.
Re paidia iremiste ligo. Sizitisi kanoume gia ta L2 Servers. DN XREIAZETAI NA MALWNETE GIA TO TI SERVER EINAI KALITERO APO TO ALLO. O KA8ENAS EXEI TIN APOPSI TOU!!!!!! O ka8e member edw leei tin apopsi tou gia ena server kai apla sxoliazoume tis PROSOPIKES mas entipwseis. DN PREPEI NA KOROIDEUOUME OUTE NA EIRWNEUOMASTAI tous allous gia ti server paizei o ka8enas. EINAI EPILOGI TOU. An kapoios diafwnei mazi mou as min 3anakanw post sto topic mou.
[Discussion]Mage, Balance Druid or Shadow Priest?
Megasus replied to Megasus's topic in General Discussion [English]
I agree with you that good and cool but, I dont like him...i dont like having a pet and i dont like his rotation atm. He is just not for me. -
[Discussion]Mage, Balance Druid or Shadow Priest?
Megasus replied to Megasus's topic in General Discussion [English]
Soto, To begin with, I want to thank you for your intrest. First of all, I absolutely HATE PvE rogue. He is the most boring class on raiding(in my opinion). I am always first on raids but still, when I play, I wana have fun not being bored to death. I know shadow priest is pretty much like an Affliction-Destruction Warlock but I played on my friend 80 Priest and I liked him a lot. Also, I saw a shadow priest yesterday that AMAZED me so much which I would call that shadow priest PURE PRO. I did a pug with 3 friends of mine on ICC25. I usually have 8-9k dps on ICC25. We managed to kill Sindragosa but there was only 1 shadow priest on the raid. That shadow priest never went on 2nd place. She was constantly on 1st place with 14k dps and 20 milion more damage than the 2nd(hunter). She had full ICC gear but NOT ICC Heroic. Secondly, i did try the arcane mage on my friends character and i didn't like him at all with having the only choice of the "spaming" rotation. Furthermore, i saw some tactics of the druid and his advantages and drawbacks and of course all the cataclysm changes but he didn't give me the feeling of wanting to try him out :-\. Nevertheless, I agree with you that nothing is sure about cataclysm but we do get the main idea what is going to happen. Mage is being extremely nerfed on frost. Druid is starting to become a pvp class. Priest is getting OP on PvE more and even more IMBA on PvP. And all the other melee classes are getting boosted except the enhancement shaman :D. Antoher thing that I totally agree with you is that retribution is going to be extremely OP but I think warlock isn't going to be that FANTASTIC. All in all, I think I am going to reroll an Undead Shadow Priest(pretty epic hah? :P) and just check him out on 80 and 85. I believe that priest is a very good dpsing class and can be one of the best i you know how to use him right. And he is awesomely cool with the shadow undead form :o. Ok lets grab some Heirlooms and off with XP. Feel free to suggest me any other drawbacks or disadvantages on those classes. :) Yours Sincerely, Megasus -
Hello, I recently decided to reroll a Caster Class. I have an 80 paladin,dk and a rogue. I don't like the warlock idea or the dots and the pets and all that stuff. I also dont like the elemental shaman spec idea with the element stuff (i just dont like it). So I am between a Mage (of all specs) a Balance Druid and a Shadow Priest (the other 2 specs of each class arent casters :P). I know that now on WOTLK the best spec for raiding (I am only interested on PvE because I have my rogue for PvP) is arcane. But, in a few months Cataclysm will release and I am constantly reading the talent specs and I have concluded that the arcane spec is still the best spec. On the other hand, right now balance druids and shadow priests are FREAKIN OP on PvE. They pull off 11 or even 13k dps and NEVER find theirselves OOM.The other thing I have discovered is that Balance druids and shadow priests pull off A LOT more crits than a Mage and he obviously has a lot more dps than a Mage. To conclude, I am asking those 4 answers below: All the questions are for PvE 1.Right now on WOTLK what do you suggest me to make? 2.When Cataclysm releases what will be better and more efficient between the 2 classes (Shadow Priest or Druid)? 3.What can a mage do reach the balance druid's and the priest's damage on WOTLK and Cataclysm? 4.What do you suggest me from the those 3 classes to make in order to replace my RetPaladin on PvE?? (i don't play my dk. I have full Wrathful gear on the rogue and I am only playing with my RetPaladin on PvE). <- PLEASE ANSWER QUESTION 4!! Please read the paragraph above and then vote on the poll. Thanks in advance. :D Yours Sincerely, Megasus
[MEGA complete GUIDE]Warlock from Noble®
Megasus replied to Noble®'s topic in General Discussion [English]
Extremely good guide. But, how are you going to update it when Cataclysm releases...Its going to be a real challenge. -
[GR] Guide files twn wow player
Megasus replied to nickolouli's topic in General Discussion [English]
Fanatastiko Topic...pragmatika prpei auto na mpei sticky!!! -
Are you crazy? Everyday they make countless pugs. Do you have any idea about how HUGE Aion's community is right now?
Guys, I recently read that there is a quite big possiblity that L3 will not realease at summer 2011. NCsoft is the only company that can hit the "MONSTER" called Blizzard Entertainment. The new project and the new engine that NCsoft was making for Lineage 3 has stopped for the last 2 months because they are working on Aion which has taken !!A LOT!! of WoW players and the community since the game launched has increased dramatically. So, what do you do when your MMO is slowly killing WoW? ;) . Now NCsoft is taking some of the WoW features and remakes them to something a lot better and efficient. On the other hand, Blizzard is trying to make WoW:Cataclysm a more GRAPHICAL expansion than a gaming expansion(for the wow players: they removed Path of the Titans to increase the graphic database). The huge success of NCsoft is because of the New Cry Engine which NCsoft made 3 years ago(April 13th 2007). Activision Bought that engine and made Crysis(November 16th 2007). NCsoft Planned to release Aion with the UnReal Engine(Lineage II's Engine) but, on NCsoft's forums everyone was complaining about it so on 2008 NCsoft COMPLETELY remade the Cry Engine and Aion Open Beta released on summer 2009. The comments of the game were a complete fail because it was another simple grinding game like lineage 2 with no crafting capabilities. NCsoft looked at the Aion forums and made what the gamers wanted and took some of the WoW's features. Aion launched on November 2009. Gamers from Guild Wars and Lineage II tryed the game and were really impresed by the AMAZING graphics that Aion:The Tower Of Eternity has. Aion patch 1.5 released at the start of 2010 and thats what made Aion rise and its slowly DESTOYING WoW. Now 1.9 launched and the community of Aion has increased dramaticaly since 1.5. On September 7th the new Aion Expansion will hit and it is going to be FREE which is an extremely wise move. TerA Online doesn't stand a chance to Aion and Bluehole is a sooo CRAP company that doesnt have developers for its engine. Think about it. ;D If you ask me, Aion is the most fantastic game right now and i believe that it will kill WoW. Just Try It ;) 8) Yours Sincerely, Megasus
On Gracia you dont necessarily need STR but i wouldn't put dyes: Dex+4 Str-4 Dex+1 Str-1 Con+4 Str-4 as i would put those on Interlude.
[Guide 80lvl]Tips,Tricks how to get gold on wow.
Megasus replied to BloodyWarrior's topic in General Discussion [English]
In My Opinion the best way to earn gold is mining and skinning.... :) -
Almost everyone in Greece knows MxC and now MxC is like google on MMO discussions for me. :P
[Guide]Πως να μπείτε στον Aion server που θέλετε
Megasus replied to Smok3BoY's topic in Aion General Discussion [Greek]
Oraios....bravo sou! ;D -
Hello, I would like to ask if there is any sites that can help me level a bit fasterand better because i feel very noobs now that i am lvl 11...is there any GOOD database site like Thottbot and WowHead on Wow? or is there any FREE detailed guide on what to do in every level?<- i really need this...please because i got lost when i entered Sanctum and Veteron... Please do help. I would really appreciate it. :D
nai re file gt egw 8elw na paizw akoma L2 alla einai ola ..ALAKIES...prwsopika epidi parataw ena MMORPG kai pianw ena allo dn paei na pei oti eimai katestramenos alla epidi exw ligo xrono tin imera kai pezw 1:30-2 wres. Kai se parakalw prosexe pws milas kai an8rwpous pou dn ksereis kai min eisai apolitos.
Kai egw apo oti leei h pleiopsifia pou exei kanei post sto topic mou simfwnw apolita mazi sas oti ontws L2 dn iparxei kai twra gia na sinexisoume na pezoume Lineage h na mas trabaei to endiaferon prpei na elpizoume na ginei kati me to L3 h apla na afisoume to Lineage :-\. Egw gia na eimai eilikrinis to paratisa to L2 meta apo tis ateleiwtes wres pou epeza L2RaidFight...kai apofasisa na arxisw Aion(opoios endiaferetai www.aiononline.com :D). Krima gia ta xronia pou fagame sto L2 :(...auta exw na pw ;)...euxaristw gia to endiaferon sas pedes :)
[Gr][Poll]Pios einai o kalhteros char gia pvp?
Megasus replied to Ma3x*'s topic in General Discussion [English]
Re padia o kaliteros char pou mporei KATASTREPSEI ta panta einai o Warrior enoeitai.... Einai enas poli diksolos char gia master alla otan to kataferei kanei prosopika egw to diaskedazw pio poli kai mporei na nikisei ola ta class...panta se Arms Warrior. 8elete apodikseis??? -> http://www.youtube.com/user/johnsju?blend=1&ob=4 <- Autos edw o magkas mporei na se katastrepsei se xrono 0. -
[Guide] Make Easy Kinah [Working Everywhere]
Megasus replied to Kendar's topic in Aion General Discussion [English]
Thats true...but there are pro people there who are really skilled outnumber the noobs. -
Poli kalo guide...8a to xreiastw opou nane :D (7lvl mage)
[Οδηγός] Καλύτερη Χρήση Manastones
Megasus replied to Kendar's topic in Aion General Discussion [Greek]
Euxaristw poli....pragmatika poli xrisimo. ;D -
Ok tote....alla 8elw na mou lisete mia aporia pou pisteuw oti polloi anarwtiountai anamesa sta low-mid rate servers. A3izei na paiksw L2RaidFight,L2EXtreme h L2Survival? gnwrizw oti einai mid rate o survival kai oi alloi 2 einai low rate alla an ontws a3izoun perissotero oi 2 low rate gt na min arxisw se ekoinous tous 2??