den pazoun rolo omos mono ta gh/z!!! ti laptop netbook einai :D me 200 euro den ksero kan ama exei Graphic Card mesa!!
alla den pezoun rolo mono ta gh/z
+1 karma?
check this out all mmo that exist in word!! with more infos[like free or pay and the tipe and all other. Either and how much you have to pay or if it is paymall or free ...]
to laptop mou einai poloi fail exei 200 euro [ to pc mou broke :(]
Psaxno gia games!!! [fps,mmofps,rpg,mmorpg,strategy, kai alla diafora]
Inter® Atom
cpu n28- @1.66Hz
1.66 GHz, 0.99 GB Ram
to exo se othoni philips HD
but how you will give +1 karma? you are not even a donator you just memepr you cant give +1 karma
[anyway i got this bot ... i dont share no one :D even +5 karma and +50k money :D]
well i found the newst virtual villager in someone lock this post