So here 's an update. I managed to run, got some server information on the start and then mostly got disconected from the server or didn't get any packet read.
# i used modifed clean HF system file
#i used 294 and 295beta / no problem listening to servers... only packet read was some weird language and on start on popup window (right corner) as if some npc wanted trade or invite // and then error forcibly killed threads
My presumption is that l2net doesn't work because "system" file was altered, my gues are these 2 files interface.u and interface.xdat.
guess nr2 is that blowfisk / token isn't correct...
and one more... while running "netstat -n" I figured out that most "INTERLUDE" servers are actually "HF servers"..
if this helps...
I wish u all the best, and may u help each other..
"I am no programmer, I play for fun and don't want to pay for bot per month / cuz it's f%@ing ripoff..."
If you can help, u can add me on discord: yak3#4165