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Everything posted by Smok3BoY

  1. egw eimai autos !!! KLEUTI TAUTOTITON !!!
  2. so where is the old rocking Raule ? did he gave his account to another kid?
  3. mp@ meta apo tosa xronia edo sovarous den 8a tous elega
  4. so you bought shoes for sitting confortable at pc
  5. warlord+archer in hi-5 the best one you can see I Like High Five Sub Stuck Server 1+1
  6. Long live the crazyness -Smok3boy
  7. any DnB with regge? i was at a dnB party on a club i was awesome
  8. http://humortrain.com/post/50384262679/counter-bottle-opener lol
  9. ela re xavale kanw kala na perasete apo mena
  10. Dld varietai o Noble na kouni8ei apo to TEI kai sas fonazei ekei gia kafe COOL !!!
  11. I saw 2 and a half men 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 seasons 10 until Episode 17
  12. server is good round 700-800 ppl online everyday
  13. What ? no way she is beautiful even the kid noticed it
  14. o_O my face now is like the baby face
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