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Everything posted by AnimalMon

  1. LOL translate have in google translate any one can translate it or any one can any bug ??
  2. You test it ? but in me dont work i dont know ..
  3. If any server have perfect guard and no join with phx .. just use cp clicker ;] and problem solved ;]
  4. JUST L][Dragon Network ;]
  5. macro recorder? what is this can u tell me some about macro recorder?? EDIT: why dont work on me ?? can u tell me in what foler cookies ???
  6. Yes i'm tested much programs for change IP but didnt work one and now pc have perfect virus .. time for formating pc .. please tell any program without viruses .. :(
  7. tHis program work on L2j servers .. dont test it in OFF servers .. ;]
  8. Any one can test walkers for L2 Venues for interlude ?? i'm tested much walkers but dunno why dont work .. When i'm log with walker char freezes in one position .. Any one can tell me have chance log with any one walker ??? ??? ???
  9. any one can tell me one program for chance IP's unlimitwed time .. ???
  10. me have this question too , u are first please help me too if have any chance to copy .. ??? ???
  11. It's not your problem baby ;]
  12. Any one have server attacker v3 by Dragonhunter ?? LINk plzz
  13. 1. CS 1.6 2. Lineage][ (C6 Best) 3. WoW 4. AION (Xp Easy With Program ) 5. COD 6. P.E.S. 10 7. Left 4 Dead 8. Red Alerts 9. GodWars 10. Spartans Warriors
  14. in what server INT you tested it ?
  15. any one can give me wings in l2 tools with -1 karma i cant search now ;s
  16. nop .. but thx ;p
  17. If any know other servers with easy farm ls or in gm shop .. pls tell server name... THX [:
  18. thx .. time for look it now .. DOWNLOADING :P
  19. But all have same items and its to good .. sogood1 thx for info now is time for look it ;p
  20. Can u tell me how much online we have in this server and have Life STONE'S : Selling or Drop .. ? But Server Looking Good [:
  21. I'm Search any Interlude server .. with easy farm or easy enchant .... 200x+ rates .. With easy farmable Life Stone's or Life Stone's selling in GM Shops with big chance for get skills or chance's...Server NO Custom or with some customs ...
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